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"Have you seen the carriage from the sanitarium?" The speaker, who had just alighted from the train, addressed Tavia, but the latter was so surprised that she caught her finger in the ticket stamper. Before the little window stood a young woman in the garb of a nurse and she wanted the carriage from the sanitarium.

When we got up to the top of this, which the Resident calls "Plantation Hill," I was well pleased to find that only the undergrowth had been cleared away, and that "The Sanitarium" consists only of a cabin with a single room divided into two, and elevated on posts like a Malay house. The deep veranda which surrounds it is reached by a stepladder.

McCoy watched the silent figure as he listened to the message; saw his jaws set tighter as he replaced the receiver and faced about. "I'd kind of like to talk this thing over with Blair," McCoy began. "You see " "I just received a telegram from the sanitarium. Mr. Blair died this morning at nine o'clock." McCoy crumpled in his chair and rested his head in his hands.

I will just say I am from Camp Capital, and have come out for exercise. They may not know how far away our camp is." She heard the other paddles in the lake. Then they ceased to cut the water. On either side of her canoe the two other craft suddenly appeared. "What if this boat is marked!" she thought. "If it should have some lettering to show it is from the sanitarium!"

He was about to press on, when he caught sight of a notice painted on a board and set up just at the beginning of the grounds. It read: CLIFFSIDE SANITARIUM. PRIVATE GROUNDS. "Sanitarium!" exclaimed Frank, as the memory of the conversation of the two men, of which Ned had told him, came to his mind. "I wonder if this can be the place. Sanitarium! Probably a place for mildly insane persons.

I sometimes think we bother Missy too much with questions she doesn't know the answers herself." Mrs. Merriam was probably feeling the compunctions mothers often feel after they have scolded. Aunt Nettie sniffed a little, but Missy wasn't questioned. And now the scene of our story may shift to a sunny morning, a few days later, and to the comparative seclusion of the sanitarium barn.

No one would think nowadays of placing a physician in charge of a great tuberculosis sanitarium whose knowledge of the chest was confined to what he had learned in medical school twenty or more years before yet in a parallel situation one often finds the subject of syphilis handled with as little attention to the value of expert knowledge.

With the exception of a little land cleared on one side, the country for miles around was covered with forests of pine, oak, and rhododendron, over which the people of the valleys pastured their cattle at some seasons of the year. The attention of the Government was drawn to the place as suitable for a military Sanitarium, and engineers were sent to open up roads and investigate its capabilities.

Would not God work this miracle? . . . Like an invalid who goes from one sanitarium to another in pursuit of health, she gave up the church on her street to attend the Spanish chapel on the avenue Friedland. Here she considered herself even more among her own.

People who hadn't slept for weeks found repose in the First Congregational Church an' Sanitarium of Pointview. They slept an' snored while the Reverend Hopkins wept an' roared. His rhetoric was better than bromide or sulphonal. In grateful recollection of their slumbers, they set him up in business. "Now I'm agoin' to talk as mean as I feel.