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The fort of Sandberg was vigorously defended by two English battalions; but they were overpowered, and obliged to retire to Welsthoorden; and count Lowendahl undertook the siege of Hulst, which was shamefully surrendered by La Roque the Dutch governor, though he knew that a reinforcement of nine battalions was on the march to his relief.

The correctness of this supposition has been completely shown by the interesting observations which G. Sandberg has made upon species of lepidoptera in South Varanger, at 69° 40' north latitude. Sandberg succeeded in following the development from the egg onward of some species of the extreme north. Oeneis bore, Schn., a purely Arctic butterfly, may be taken as an example.

"I've seen to that, though if you don't like my arrangements you can alter them afterwards. Mrs. Sandberg will take you in. She's a Scotch Calvinist, and even if she isn't particularly amiable you'll be in safe hands. We'll consider it as fixed, but you're to stay with Mrs. Hastings for a fortnight.

A.S. Hewitt, United States Commissioner to the Paris Exposition, a statement not yet controverted; and to a statement of Mr. Sandberg, an English engineer of note, in the London Times.

Mrs. Sandberg will take you in, and even if she isn't particularly amiable you'll be in safe hands." Hamilton laughed. "Oh, yes," he said. "She's Scotch old type Calvinist at that. No frivolity about that woman. Married a Scandinavian, and was just breaking him in when he was killed back East along the track." "We'll consider it as fixed, but in the meanwhile you're to stay with Mrs.

"Sure they did; but he didn't have cholera; and there were plenty of bogs left in the world, weren't there?" "Well, but, if they weren't his, how could they do him any good?" Eric asked, in astonishment. "Oh, scat! He could have had lots of fun with other people's hogs. He was a chump, Lou Sandberg. To kill yourself for a pig think of that, now!"

Hastings for the fortnight," said Wyllard. "Sproatly" and he signed to the man in the skin coat "will you get Miss Rawlinson's baggage into your waggon?" The man took off his fur cap. "If Miss Rawlinson would like to see Mrs. Sandberg, I'll drive her round," he suggested. "We'll catch you up in a league or so. Gregory has a bit of patching to do on his off-side trace."

In more southern regions the butterfly pupa rests not more than fourteen days in summer. The entire development, then, takes place much more slowly than it does in regions further south. Sandberg has shown, then, by this and other observations, that the Arctic summer, even at 70° N., is not sufficient for the development of many butterflies, but that they make use of two or more summers for it.

He took down a bent, withered piece of sapling that hung over the dresser. "If this isn't the stick Lou Sandberg killed himself with!" The boy looked up from his shoe-lacing. "Yes; you never used to let me play with that. Just how did he do it, Nils? You were with father when he found Lou, weren't you?" "Yes.

The imperial troops consisted of the dregs of the populace, so variously arranged as to justify the remark of Colonel Sandberg of Baden that the only thing wanting was their regular equipment as jack-puddings. A monastery furnished two men; a petty barony, the ensign; a city, the captain. The arms of each man differed in calibre. No patriotic spirit animated these defenders of the empire.