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A third bolt went overhead, then the Sanctioner returned the blaster to his belt and called to her. "You have made it to Imperial territory, Losinj, but you are not safe yet! Even if you manage to get past Entos and into the Palace, we can have you extradited as a common criminal, for assaulting a Sanctioner. Think about that!"

That was Imperial territory; Irschchan jurisdiction ended at the park's edge. She just hoped that legality would stop the Sanctioner. The park was in sight, less than a hundred meters away, but the Sanctioner who had found Garal was fast closing the distance between them. Corina risked a quick glance back, saw him stop, crouch, and draw his blaster.

He probed Kennard, only to find the Sanctioner was right. This man was shielded, at least as well as Menshikov had been. Could he, then, have been mistaken about the human lack of Talent? No. He pushed that thought firmly aside, unable to accept it. Kennard grinned at him, weak but triumphant. "I am, huh? Then Rina was right Jim's not a fluke. You've blown it, traitor."

But Valla didn't let friendship interfere with her work, and she had a well-earned reputation for thoroughness and efficiency. At least, Corina thought, Valla did not dishonor her by ordering her blade broken. The Sanctioner moved behind her. "Put your hands down, behind your back." She obeyed, felt cool metallic bands close around her wrists.

"We found him in the Comm Section just as we received your message, Master. We attacked before he could get his weapon out. He fought well, as you can see, but he could not defeat two of us." The Sanctioner hesitated. "Go on," Thark urged him. "Master Thark he is shielded! I could not read his intentions!" "What!" Not another one, Thark denied to himself.