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But Anthea was too quick for it. She caught it by its furry shoulders gently but firmly, and held it. "Here none of that!" said the Psammead. "Leave go of me, will you?" But Anthea held him fast. "Dear kind darling Sammyadd," she said breathlessly. "Oh yes it's all very well," it said; "you want another wish, I expect. But I can't keep on slaving from morning till night giving people their wishes.

Cyril and Jane were more hopeful they generally were. "I don't think the Sammyadd does it on purpose," Cyril said; "and, after all, it was silly to wish for boundless wealth. Fifty pounds in two-shilling pieces would have been much more sensible. And wishing to be beautiful as the day was simply donkeyish. I don't want to be disagreeable, but it was.

"I don't care," said Anthea stoutly, "we'll tell mother the truth, and she'll give back the jewels and make everything all right." "Do you think so?" said Cyril slowly. "Do you think she'll believe us? Could anyone believe about a Sammyadd unless they'd seen it? She'll think we're pretending. Or else she'll think we're raving mad, and then we shall be sent to the mad-house.

'And I don't want to; I can jolly well see how silly it looks, Cyril was beginning; but Anthea said: 'Oh, DON'T! I don't know what's the matter with you boys to-day. Look here, Squirrel, let's play fair. It is hateful for poor old Bobs, all alone up there. Let's ask the Sammyadd for another wish, and, if it will, I do really think we ought to be made the same size.

'No, she said, breathless from being thumped, 'it's it's not a plum-stone. it's an idea. Let's take Robert to the Fair, and get them to give us money for showing him! Then we really shall get something out of the old Sammyadd at last! 'Take me, indeed! said Robert indignantly. 'Much more likely me take you! And so it turned out.

'Everyone DOES want him now and no mistake! That Sammyadd has done us again! Tricky brute! For any sake, let's get the kid safe home. So they peeped out, and finding on the right hand only lonely white road, and nothing but lonely white road on the left, they took courage, and the road, Anthea carrying the sleeping Lamb. Adventures dogged their footsteps.

I wish we'd asked the Sammyadd why things don't turn to stone. Perhaps this will. I'll tell you what, there's a pony and cart in the village." "Do you want to buy that?" asked Jane. "No, silly, we'll hire it. And then we'll go to Rochester and buy heaps and heaps of things. Look here, let's each take as much as we can carry. But it's not sovereigns.

And the Lamb had indeed his very best cream-colored silk coat and hat. It was a smart party that the carrier's cart picked up at the Cross Roads. When its white tilt and red wheels had slowly vanished in a swirl of chalk-dust "And now for the Sammyadd!" said Cyril, and off they went. As they went they decided on the wish they would ask for.

'I dreamed we found a Sand-fairy in the gravel-pits, and it said it was a Sammyadd, and we might have a new wish every day, and 'But that's what I dreamed, said Robert. 'I was just going to tell you and we had the first wish directly it said so. And I dreamed you girls were donkeys enough to ask for us all to be beautiful as the day, and we jolly well were, and it was perfectly beastly.

Even if the girls were to hunt for that beastly Sammyadd and find it, and get it to take the jewels away again, mother would only think we hadn't looked out properly and let the burglars sneak in and nick them or else the police will think WE'VE got them or else that she's been fooling them. Oh, it's a pretty decent average ghastly mess this time, and no mistake!