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Why it wouldn't look dressy at all, Samantha, to put 'em on as you say." Sez I very coldly, "I don't see anything over and above dressy in your looks now, Josiah Allen, with both of your feet tied down onto that one shoe, and you a tryin' to move off when you can't. I can't see anything over and above ornamental in it, Josiah Allen."

I feel as though I want you near me to protect me." That melted his heart, but alas, did not affect his pocket book, and he sez, "I would go down with you in a minute, Samantha, but jest consider on the 50 cents we would spend there, how much comfort that would bring to some lonely widder, mebby a blind woman, who is a-hunger and ye fed her not."

He went no further than the gate, to be sure, and then returned for the rest of his rod, but, before he got home, Keziah hurried back from a call on Mrs. Foster, bringing a tremendous account of Dab's heroism, and then his own pride was a mere drop in the bucket compared to that of his mother. "Dabney is growing wonderfully," she remarked to Samantha. "He'll be a man before any of us know it."

"I have got it, Samantha, jest the same; I hain't used none this time o' day. But I thought I would kinder love to tell the brethren I'd rid on it." And before I could parley with him he asked that same bystander, a good lookin' iron gray man, "Where is the Immoral Railway?" "The Intre Moral Railway starts there," sez he, pintin' to a place quite nigh to us.

But sometime, somewhere, some happy soul may see and comprehend what we now faintly apprehend." Josiah whispered, "Samantha Allen, do you realize what you're doin'? You're attractin' attention and makin' talk, come along! this is no time for eppisodin', if there ever is a right time."

And I spoke out agin, and says I, in a low, deep voice, "If it wus one of the relations on your side, Josiah Allen, you would say he acted dretful good." And he says, "There is such a thing, Samantha, as bein' too good too dumb good." I didn't multiply any more words with him, and we went to sleep. Wall, that is jest the way that feller acted for the next five days.

Why, indeed, if the boys and girls of the neighborhood keep up a guard for the protection of Uncle Sam and Aunt Samantha, should they not nest again, and yet again, in that tree-top home that has been so well taken care of for more than threescore years and ten; and bring up Yankee-Doodle Twins for their country in days of peace as they did in days of war?

For in the first few weeks of his life at the White Farm, before his appetite was satiated, he was wont to eat all the white cat's food as well as his own; and as this highway robbery took place in the retirement of the shed, where Samantha Ann always swept them for their meals, no human being was any the wiser, and only the angels saw the white cat getting whiter and whiter and thinner and thinner, while every day Rags grew more corpulent and aldermanic in his figure.

But oh! wuzn't it disagreeable in the extreme to Samantha, who had always tried to bend her bow and bring down Beauty, to have her familiar huntin' grounds turned into so different a warpath. It wuz disagreeable! It wuz! It wuz! And then, havin' to stand between her and Josiah too, wuz fearful wearin' on me.

I will go anywhere you want to go." And he still drove almost recklessly on lakewards. And sez he, "We had better go straight on, but say the word, and you can go jest where you want to." And he urged the horse on to still greater speed. And he sez agin, "Do you want to go any particular place, Samantha?" "Yes," sez I, "I had jest as leves go there as not."