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"I know that," interrupted the professor, "but where got you these?" "This side the big dune where I first saw Grosman salting two days ago. They lie there in thousands. I got these in an hour or so." "Now Gott sie Dank!" said the professor joyfully. "These rascals then have too clever been, and the ground is in truth rich! Gott sie Dank! Our trip has not been in vain.

The Siamese are expert in modes of drying and salting fish of all kinds, and large quantities are exported annually to Java, Sumatra, Malacca, and China. Here the captain went ashore to report himself to the Governor, and the officials of the custom-house, and the mail-boat came out to us. Near this place are two islands.

But there were no diamonds, and Dick was more mystified than ever. A few pencilled words, scrawled on the leaf of a pocket-book, again telling the tale of the salting and naming Gilderman as the chief conspirator, lay pinned to the dead man's shirt, and the wachtmeister, as he read it, called out grimly to them to come and look at another piece of their work.

An hour later they came to the big dune, the scene of Grosman's salting, and here Dick, with mixed feelings, stood by whilst Gilderman made his last attempt at bluff setting the boys to work with sieves, whilst he and his colleagues searched all around the vicinity of that last "rich find," and, of course, finding nothing; whilst had he known it, but a bare stone's throw or two away they were lying in abundance.

Under the instructions of Alex the boys now finished the preparation of the sheep heads and scalps, paring off all the meat they could from the bones, and cleaning the scalps, which they spread out to dry after salting them carefully. "I was out with a naturalist one trip," said Alex, "and he collected all sorts of little animals and snakes, and that sort of thing.

"There is my kitchen, where we dare have fire only in the night; here is also my dining-room," added he, pointing to a salting trough and some legs of venison that were hung to smoke over the fire-place. "Bread and meat I have also got, and I bought a drop of mead in Viborg with the last deer-skin."

He was walking slowly up and down, now and then throwing his arm out with the action of a sower, and the seeds he sowed sparkled like dewdrops in the moonlight. For he was sowing diamonds salting! Salting! there was no doubt about it.

A most remarkable case of "salting" was that of the "North Ophir." It was claimed that this vein was a "remote extension" of the original "Ophir," a valuable mine on the "Comstock." For a few days everybody was talking about the rich developments in the North Ophir. It was said that it yielded perfectly pure silver in small, solid lumps.

The too great rubbing of meat will not keep it the better, it frequently retards the operation of the salt by filling the outward pores of the meat only to the destruction of the middle of the piece, which frequently perishes. SALTING OF BUTTER. After the butter is well worked up and cleared from the milk, it is ready for salting.

He knew how to pin a Rube against the Wall and make him say "Yes." He rode in Cabooses, fought the Roller-Towels, endured the Taunts of Ess, Bess, and Tess who shot the Sody Biscuit, and reclined in the Chamber of Horrors, entirely surrounded by Wall-Paper, but what cared he? He was salting the Spon. He was closing in on the Needful.