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They have been perpetually thinking upon this subject, and some of them were in vain salivated with design of convincing them to the contrary. In the minds of mad people those volitions alone exist, which are unmixed with sensation; immoderate suspicion is generally the first symptom, and want of shame, and want of delicacy about cleanliness.

Someone had been there an' planted the guys we salivated an' the guy which went down in the run. We seen his horse layin' there, cut to ribbons. It's likely Sanderson went into the sand ahead of the herd they was crowdin' him pretty close when we seen them runnin'." "You say them guys was planted?" said Dale. "Then Sanderson got out of it.

"Here," she said, giving him two small packages, "'is some quinine and some calomy. Tell yo' granny not to take too much of the calomy. Mout salavater her." "Yes'm. But it won't m m m m make any diffunce with granny w w w wuther she's s s s salivated or not. She ain't got no teeth. And b b b besides, she likes the quinine better.

The salivated throat was swollen, and speechless. The tongue protruded pitifully, helpless in its momentary paralysis. "Oh, he'll smart for this! By heaven, he'll smart for this!" declared Durkin, as he stooped and cut away the straps that bound her ankles to the obdurate iron, and severed the bands that bruised and held her white wrists.

Anything for her eternal salvation. Her right cheek was very much swollen, and on examination we found there was an eating sore inside her cheek. This kept up in spite of all remedies, and at last the whole of her right cheek fell out, leaving the teeth bare. My friends and boarders were very angry at the physician, saying she was salivated.

"I'd rather be salivated till my teeth drop out and my hair falls off than be carried off in large chunks by fleas and graybacks. Come along." "Mebbe the Surgeon has something else that'll pizen these little cusses," said Si, falling in with his comrade.

"Wot's salivated?" Jack asked, suddenly sitting up in his bunk at the hint of fresh misfortunes. "Why, the quicksilver gets into your blood; I think that's the way. And your gums all swell like you had the scurvy, only worse, and your teeth get loose in your jaws. And big ulcers form, and then you die horrible. The strongest man can't last long a-mining quicksilver."

Here I learned that my father had died in the service the Spring before. I was taken in by a hospitable uncle, but in moderate circumstances. Dr. Readfield attended me for about four months I was salivated twice, but it had no good effect.

As years passed on various useful medicines became too much the vogue, and were used to too vast and too deleterious an extent, particularly mercury. Many a poor salivated patient sacrificed his teeth to his doctor's mercurial doses.

"I made Parkins stand and deliver this morning while we were at Paducah." "You did?" said the mud-clerk, not offering to touch the money. "You risked your life, I declare, for that fool that called you a thief. You are a fool, Gus, and nothing but your blamed good luck can save you from getting salivated, bright and early, some morning. Not a great deal I won't take that money.