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When you raise every thing you eat, you know it will make your salary go a wonderful deal further." "Certainly it will," said I. "And what can be more beautiful than to buy places by the simple process of giving one's note? 'tis so neat, and handy, and convenient!" "Why," pursued my friend, "there is Mr.

Then we'd make an inventory of what you put into the firm and what I put into it, and we'd divide the earnings in proportion." "After payin' you a salary as manager, of course," suggested Y.D. "That's immaterial. With a bigger outfit and more capital I can make so much more money out of the earnings that I don't care whether I get a salary or not.

His wife noticed the new enthusiasm in his manner, and was puzzled by it. Something was up, she divined. 'Do you think he'll raise your salary again soon? she asked practically, helping him draw off the paper cuffs that protected his shirt from ink stains, and throwing them in the fire. 'That seems to be the real point. But Herbert evaded the immediate issue.

When you came to me I was happy. I didn't have much, just a little salary and some hard work." He shrugged his shoulders, and smiled skeptically. Ironically, he said: "But, like all the rest, you found that wouldn't keep you, didn't you?" Ignoring his taunt, she went on: "You say I'm bad, but who's made me so? Who took me out night after night? Who showed me what these luxuries were?

Dinner at Orleans House, on Conde's departure for his journey to the East; Murchison and Trevelyan there. His poor mother never recovered the shock. 27th. A couple of months later Mr. Taylor's daughter, Lucy, was married to William Markby, going out to Calcutta as a judge on a salary of 4,000 L a year. 'She is a very lucky girl' wrote Mrs.

Rastall-Retford says I'm to take you to see the view from the golf links." "You'll like that," said Peter. "I shall not like it," snapped Eve. "But Mrs. Rastall-Retford is paying me a salary to do what she tells me, and I have to earn it." Conversation during the walk consisted mainly of a monologue on the part of Peter.

As a further inducement, teachers who had gone through this collegiate training received a Government grant in addition to the usual salary. Grants were also for the first time given to schools which passed with success through the ordeal of official inspection. The passing of the Factory Bill was another effort in the practical redress of wrongs to which Lord John Russell lent his powerful aid.

"I say there are four years engaged beforehand. "They must have a loan, then." "They must have three, sire." "I will create offices to make them resign, and the salary of the posts shall be paid into the treasury." "Impossible, sire, for there have already been creations upon creations of offices, the provisions of which are given in blank, so that the purchasers enjoy them without filling them.

At no time in his life does Mr. Webster's character appear in a fairer or more lovable light than during this winter at Fryeburg. He took his own share in the sacrifices he had done so much to entail, and he carried it cheerfully. Out of school hours he copied endless deeds, an occupation which he loathed above all others, in order that he might give all his salary to his brother.

Soames responded to his companion's radiant smile with a smile of his own by no means so pleasant to look upon. Soames had the type of face which, in repose, might be the face of an honest man; but his smile would have led to his instant arrest on any racecourse in Europe: it was the smile of a pick-pocket. "Now," continued Gianapolis, "here is a quarter's salary in advance."