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Merciful Providence had rung down the curtain; for to-night my rôle in the yellow drama was finished. Less than two hours later, Inspector Weymouth and a party from New Scotland Yard raided the house in Museum Street. They found the stock of J. Salaman practically intact, and, in the strangely appointed rooms above, every evidence of a hasty outgoing.

Hunter Creek, Hoosier, Bear, Big Minóok, I You, Quail, Alder, Mike Hess, Little Nell the whole blessed country, rivers, creeks, pups, and all, staked for a radius of forty miles just because there's gold here, where we're standing." "You don't mean there's nothing left!" "Nothing within forty miles that somebody hasn't either staked or made money by abandoning." "Made money?" Salaman laughed.

Apart from the acute pain in my calf I knew that the dacoit's knife had bitten deeply by reason of the fact that a warm liquid was trickling down into my boot. Like any drunkard I stood there in the middle of the road looking up at the vacant window where the dacoit had been, and up at the window above the shop of J. Salaman where I knew Fu-Manchu to be.

"It's money in your pocket pretty nearly every time you don't take up a claim. Why, on Hunter alone they've spent twenty thousand dollars this winter." "And how much have they taken out?" With index-finger and thumb Salaman made an "O," and looked shrewdly through it. "It's an awful gamble," he repeated solemnly.

As Nina Salaman sings and I am glad to end with the words of a daughter of the lofty-souled scholar in whose honour this lecture is given Wherefore else our age-long life, our wandering landless, Every land our home for ill or good? Ours it was long since to join the hands of nations Through the link of our own brotherhood.

However, realizing my helplessness in the matter, I contented myself with making a mental note of the name which appeared above the establishment J. Salaman and walked on, my mind in a chaotic condition and my heart beating with unusual rapidity.

Fu-Manchu to establish himself, yet, unless my imagination had strangely deceived me, from the window of the antique dealer who traded under the name of J. Salaman, those wonderful eyes of Kâramanèh, like the velvet midnight of the Orient, had looked out at me.

However, realizing my helplessness in the matter, I contented myself with making a mental note of the name which appeared above the establishment J. Salaman and walked on, my mind in a chaotic condition and my heart beating with unusual rapidity.

Merciful Providence had rung down the curtain; for to-night my role in the yellow drama was finished. Less than two hours later, Inspector Weymouth and a party of men from Scotland Yard raided the house in Museum Street. They found the stock of J. Salaman practically intact, and, in the strangely appointed rooms above, every evidence of a hasty outgoing.

Probably I employed myself in this way for half an hour or more, and whilst my hands busied themselves among the stock of J. Salaman, my mind was occupied entirely elsewhere. Furtively I was studying the shopman himself, a human presentment of a Chinese idol; I was listening and watching; especially I was watching the curtained doorway at the back of the shop.