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"Ain't you heard how they made up?" "Land sakes, no!" said the sister Lize, hurriedly finishing a stitch and then halting her fingers to pull the yarn. The shopkeeper began rolling ribbons with a look of indifference. She never took part in the gossip and, although she loved to hear it, had, mostly, the air of one without ears.

You'll need a heavier sinker than that for outside here ten ounces at least. You see, the tug of the undertow is considerable." Betty Gallup, looking every whit the "able seaman" now, rigged her own line quickly and opened the bait can. "Land sakes!" she exclaimed. "Where'd you get scallop bait this time o' year, Lawford? You must be a houn' dog for smellin' 'em out." "I am," he laughed.

Or rather let us say, Chopin troubled himself enough about the mechanical secrets of the piano, but not for their own sakes: he regarded them not as ends, but as means to ends, and although mechanically he may have made no progress, he had done so poetically. Love and sorrow, those most successful teachers of poets and musicians, had not taught him in vain.

From the poison pit at the foot of the ladder the man in the bunk called once more. "Water!" he screeched. "Water! Are you goin' to leave me, you d n cowards?" "For Heaven sakes!" cried Burgess, clutching the rail, "what's that?" Ellery answered him. "It's one of them," he said, and his voice sounded odd in his own ears. "It's one of the crew." "One of the Down THERE? Has he " "Yes, he has."

Bartlett and Anna, who chafed her hands, gave her hot tea and thawed her back to life and gossip. "Is the Squire back yet?" asked Marthy with returning warmth. "Land sakes, what can be keeping him? Heard him say last night that he intended going away this morning, and thought he might have come back." "With news?" naively asked Sanderson. "Why, yes.

It's only wrong when it isn't any of your own bus " "For Heavenses' sakes hush up!" her cousin remonstrated. "Listen!" "'No'm, Miss Julia, ma'am, I say" thus came the voice of Mrs. Silver "'no'm, Miss Julia, ma'am. Them the same two cats you han' me, Miss Julia, ma'am, I say.

"We use' to get along in winter with turnips and cabbage and such, and fruit the womenfolks canned. Of course it's pretty nice to have garden vegetables and fruit fresh the year round, but. . . ." Grandma squinted suddenly over her spectacles. "For the land's sakes!

The Duke replied: "What! madame, would you have the Coadjutor, for our sakes only, run the risk of being no more than chaplain to Fuensaldagne? Is it possible that you cannot comprehend what he has been preaching to you for these last three days?"

I don't know what skittles are, but I know what tea is. Land sakes! I should say I did. They tell me the English national flower is a rose. It ought to be a tea-plant blossom, if there is such a thing. Hosy," with a sudden return to seriousness, "what are we goin' to do with with HER when the time comes for us to go?" "I don't know," I answered. "Are you going to take her to America with us?"

He liked them all, and he mourned them for their own sakes as well. He also realized quickly that he had lost more than the five themselves. His fleet seemed to have come into a very nest of dangers. Men who went ashore to hunt never returned. At narrow points in the river they were fired upon from the dense forest on the bank, and if they sent a strong force ashore, they found nothing.