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Better wooe over midding, nor over mosse. Better happy to court, nor good service. Blaw the wind nere so saft, it will lowen at the last. Better be happy nor wise. Binde fast, finde fast. Better plays a full wemb nor a new coat. Better say, Here it is, nor, Here it was. Better auld debts nor auld sairs. Bourd not with Bawty, fear lest he bite ye. Better a fowl in hand nor twa flying.

Recognizing the voices that neared her, she waited until the pair had passed her shelter, and then addressed Cosmo with a familiarity she had not used since his return for which Aggie had her reasons. "Cosmo!" she called, rising as she spoke, "winna ye bide for me? Ye hae a word for twa as weel's for ane. The same sairs whaur baith hae lugs."

As I was sayin', Sandy's terriple fairntickled aboot the neck an' the sides o' the nose, an' oor lest holiday made him a hankie waur than uswal. He's a gey prood mannie too, mind ye, although he winna haud wi't. But I can tell you it's no a bawbee-wirth o' hair oil that sairs Sandy i' the week. But that's nether here nor there.

He was that kankered that he took twa or three ill-natured rives o' a shreed o' breed, an' a gullar o' tea, an' fair stankit himsel'. It gaed doon the wrang road, an' Sandy was nearhand chokit. "Sairs me richt for argey-bargeyin' wi' a doited cratur that canna see a thing that's as plen's a pikestaff," he says, efter he had gotten his nose blawn.