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There's some in the McGlashanites, and some in the Glassites, and mony in the McMillanites, and there's a leeven even in the Estayblishment. 'I have known some very good Papists even, if you go to that, said I. 'Mr. Ducie, think shame to yoursel'! she cried. 'Why, my dear madam! I only I began. 'You shouldnae jest in sairious maitters, she interrupted.

He requested Sandy to ask Glenormiston, if he came in, to come over to the Burgh court and spier for Mr. Traill. "It's no' his day to sit as magistrate, and he's no' like to go unless it's a fair sairious matter." "Ay, it is, laddie. It's a matter of life and death, I'm thinking!" He smiled grimly, as it entered his head that he might be driven to do violence to that meddling policeman.

The rain had ceased and the sun come out, and the children began to be called away. There was quite a little ceremony of lingering leave-taking with the lady and with Bobby, and while this was going on Ailie had a "sairious" confidence for her old playfellow. "Tammy, as the leddy says, Bobby's gettin' auld. I ken whaur's a snawy hawthorn aboon the burn in Swanston Dell.

There's some in the McGlashanites, and some in the Glassites, and mony in the McMillanites, and there's a leeven even in the Estayblishment." "I have known some very good Papists even, if you go to that," said I. "Mr. Ducie, think shame to yoursel'!" she cried. "Why, my dear madam! I only " I began. "You shouldna jest in sairious maitters," she interrupted.

"I have sometimes a touch of headache in the early morning, especially when I have sat later than usual over my books the night before; but it always goes off during the day." "Ow weel, sir, that's no, as ye say, a vera sairious thing! I couldna help fancyin ye had something on yer min' by ord'nar!" "Naething, naething," answered James with a feeble laugh.

"Well, an' is she not softenin' at all?" "Upon my sounds, Cooney, I cannot say she is. If I could only get her to spake one sairious word on the subject, I might have some chance; but I cannot, Cooney; I think both you an' little Toal had betther give it up. I doubt there's no chance." "Faith an' the more will be her loss. I tell you, Jemmy, that he'd outdo either you or me as a meal man.