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I'm thinking we wad hae been letten slip awa, but Kettledrummle was taen near us for Andrew Wilson's naig that he was riding on had been a dragooner lang syne, and the sairer Kettledrummle spurred to win awa, the readier the dour beast ran to the dragoons when he saw them draw up.

"Eh, guide us!" interrupted the maid, "our young leddy at the feet o' Trooper Tam, and speaking to him about his soul, when the puir chield hardly kens whether he has ane or no, unless that he whiles swears by it that will never do; but what maun be maun be, and I'll never desert a true-love cause And sae, if ye maun see young Milnwood, though I ken nae gude it will do, but to make baith your hearts the sairer, I'll e'en tak the risk o't, and try to manage Tam Halliday; but ye maun let me hae my ain gate and no speak ae word he's keeping guard o'er Milnwood in the easter round of the tower."

"Weel, sir," she said, with more severity than pique, and a certain sad injury not unmingled with dignity, "ye hae stappit ower my door-sill mony's the time, an' that wi' sairer words i' yer moo' nor I ever mintit at peyin' ye back; an' I never said to ye gang.

'It min's me o' the women gauin til the sepulchre! said David. 'Eh, but it maun hae been a sair time til them! a heap sairer nor this hert-brak here! 'Ye see they didna ken 'at he wasna deid, assented Kirsty, 'and we div ken 'at Steenie's no deid! He's maybe walkin aboot wi the bonny man or maybe jist ristin himsel a wee efter the uprisin!

"Eh, guide us!" interrupted the maid, "our young leddy at the feet o' Trooper Tam, and speaking to him about his soul, when the puir chield hardly kens whether he has ane or no, unless that he whiles swears by it that will never do; but what maun be maun be, and I'll never desert a true-love cause And sae, if ye maun see young Milnwood, though I ken nae gude it will do, but to make baith your hearts the sairer, I'll e'en tak the risk o't, and try to manage Tam Halliday; but ye maun let me hae my ain gate and no speak ae word he's keeping guard o'er Milnwood in the easter round of the tower."

There's gane the twa bonniest I ever saw, an' I s' lay my heid there's mair poetry in auld man faced Miss Horn nor in a dizzin like them. Ech! but it's some sair to bide. It's sair upon a man to see a bonny wuman 'at has nae poetry, nae inward lichtsome hermony in her. But it's dooms sairer yet to come upo' ane wantin' cowmon sense!

But, if ye like, Ise try to keep sicht o' ye; and, if ye like too, we'll gang hame afore it's late, for it wad vex me sair to see you spendin your siller unwordily, and still sairer to hear tell o' ye gettin ony fricht about the glen. Sae, if ye think me worth your while, we can gang hame thegither, and I'll tak your arm after we're on the road.

I'm thinking we wad hae been letten slip awa, but Kettledrummle was taen near us for Andrew Wilson's naig that he was riding on had been a dragooner lang syne, and the sairer Kettledrummle spurred to win awa, the readier the dour beast ran to the dragoons when he saw them draw up.

Sair, sair I am grieved, neighbours, for the poor castaway for the child of mine old age but sairer for the stumbling-block and scandal it will be to all tender and honest souls!" "Davie winna siller do't?" insinuated the laird, still proffering his green purse, which was full of guineas.

Sair, sair I am grieved, neighbours, for the poor castaway for the child of mine old age but sairer for the stumbling-block and scandal it will be to all tender and honest souls!" "Davie winna siller do't?" insinuated the laird, still proffering his green purse, which was full of guineas.