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Captain Duhamel's boat is berthed at the same pier as mine upon the opposite side, for they both belong to the Saint-Laurent Company, which leases them in winter. "We start together, then, but I shall expect to gain several hours during the four days' journey, for I know the Claire well, and she cannot keep pace with my Sainte-Vierge.

"But what did she think?" I asked, as Jacqueline went back for some more water. "That you had sent her to the Sainte-Vierge," he answered, "and that you were to follow her here as you did. Even now the nephews are searching the lower town for you." "But if I had not come before nine?"

It was a short pier at the foot of one of the numerous narrow streets that run down from the base of the mighty cliff which ascends to the ramparts and Park Frontenac. On either side, wedged in among the floes, lay a small ship of not many tons' burden the Claire and the Sainte-Vierge respectively. The latter vessel lay upon our right as we approached the end of the wharf. "Hallo!

She is aboard the Sainte-Vierge," replied Dubois, chuckling, "and if you wish to accompany mademoiselle you must come with me at once, for we are getting up steam." I could not believe him. I thought that Leroux had tampered with the honest man. It was not until he had taken me, half forcibly, aboard, and opened the cabin door, that I saw her.

Fortunately for us, Lacroix, ignorant, as was Leroux himself, that the two ships had exchanged roles and duties, took Jacqueline aboard the Sainte-Vierge, where Captain Dubois, who was waiting in anticipation of just such a scheme, seized him and marched him at pistol point to the house on Paul Street, in which Lacroix was kept a prisoner by friends of Dubois until the Sainte-Vierge had sailed.

Ah, monsieur, swear to me that this shall never come about, that mademoiselle become his wife. Swear it to me, mon ami!" I swore it, and we shook hands again. I was sorry for my deception then, and afterward I had occasion to remember it. Five minutes later we had cast off, and the Sainte-Vierge steamed slowly through the drift ice that packed the gulf.

In fact it was only yesterday that the government arranged for me to take over the Sainte-Vierge in place of the Claire, which I have commanded all the winter, for it is essential that the mails reach St. Boniface and the maritime villages as quickly as possible. So you must bring your lady aboard the Sainte-Vierge by nine to-night. "I shall telegraph to my friend Danton at St.

But I knew the gulf lay before me at the end of the short, narrow street that led down to it, up which I had passed two hours before upon that journey which so nearly ended in the snow-drifts of Souse-le-Cap. I reached the wharf and raced along the planks. I was in time, although the engines were throbbing in the Sainte-Vierge.