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The Sieur de la Potardiere was sent to examine these ores; but, although his report was favourable and Colbert seemed highly interested and began to speak of casting cannon on the shores of the Saint-Maurice, for some reason nothing was done, and sixty years were to elapse before the establishment of the Saint-Maurice forges.

Consequently Montbar distinctly heard the waiter announce Colonel Saint-Maurice, then the resounding steps of the latter in the corridor, and the exclamations of the two friends, delighted to meet again. On the other hand, Roland, who had been for a moment disturbed by the noise in the adjoining room, forgot it as soon as it had ceased, and there was no danger of its being renewed.

«Avant de pénétrer dans le Vallais, il convient d'en donner une idée générale: il forme cette partie des Alpes connue sous le nom d'Alpes Pennines; il contient non-seulement les plus hautes montagnes des Alpes, mais encore la plus longue vallée qui il y ait en Europe, puis qu'elle a trente-quatre lieues depuis Saint-Maurice jusqu'

Montbar, left alone, seated himself at the table, on which were paper, pen and ink, and remained perfectly motionless. The two officers had known each other in Italy, where Roland was under the command of Saint-Maurice, the latter being then a captain and Roland a lieutenant.

(M. Bourrit , Nouvelle Description des Alpes.) «Saint-Maurice est entre le Rhône et une montagne; «Quoique la situation de Saint-Maurice paroisse l'exposer au malheur d'être un jour ensevelie sous les ruines des montagnes, cependant on ne vit pas ici avec moins de sécurité qu'ailleurs: ce qu'il y a de plus

It was as follows: 18 in the parish of Frugeres, 5 " " Fressinet-de-Lozere, 4 " " Grizac, 15 " " Castagnols, 11 " " Vialas, 6 " " Saint-Julien, 8 " " Saint-Maurice de Vantalon, 14 " " Frezal de Vantalon, 7 " " Saint-Hilaire de Laret, 6 " " Saint-Andeol de Clergues, 28 " " Saint-Privat de Vallongues, 10 " " Saint-Andre de Lancise, 19 " " Saint-Germain de Calberte, 26 " " Saint-Etienne de Valfrancesque, 9 " " parishes of Prunet and Montvaillant, 16 " " parish of Florac. 202

He was then with his troops near Saint-Maurice de Casevielle; he called a council of war, and having had the prisoners tried for their atrocious deed, he summed up the evidence in as clear a manner as any lawyer could have done, and called upon the judges to pronounce sentence.

He was then with his troops near Saint-Maurice de Casevielle; he called a council of war, and having had the prisoners tried for their atrocious deed, he summed up the evidence in as clear a manner as any lawyer could have done, and called upon the judges to pronounce sentence.

Bonaparte read the address: "To the citizen Fouche, minister of police. Paris." Then he opened the letter, which contained the following. The affair was well-managed, save for the deaths of your agent and Colonel Saint-Maurice. As for M. Roland de Montrevel, I have the satisfaction of informing you that nothing distressing has befallen him.