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Vanstone who is down here on the visitors' list?" asked the sailor. "Is he an old man?" "He's a miserable little creature to look at," replied the landlady; "but he's not old, captain." "Then he's not the man I mean. Perhaps he is the man's son? Has he got any ladies with him?" The landlady tossed her head, and pursed up her lips disparagingly. "He has a housekeeper with him," she said.

The day before, we had heard firing a mile or so inland, and had come upon some duck that some one or other had shot and hadn't had time to pick up. So, that morning, I let Sailor lead the way.

It was observed that the young sailor glanced once or twice rather anxiously at the sky and the seething clouds.

"Well, my lad," said the old sailor who had spoken to Ralph in the boat, coming up to him, "I'm right glad you've got out of that scrape, and, as I said afore, if ever you want a friend you'll find Jacob Crane a staunch one. I can feel for you, lad; I can feel for you." "Thank you, Jacob," answered Ralph, putting out his hand to grasp that of the speaker, who wrung his heartily.

But if the same man told the same audience that five hundred years ago an Irish sailor had swum from Holyhead to New York, his statement would be received with less confidence. Because five centuries is a long time, there is no credible record of the feat, and we cannot believe any man capable of swimming about four thousand miles.

The sweat dripped from me as if I had just emerged from a bath; and stripping myself naked to the waist, I sat by the side of the cot, and with a bit of crumpled paper put into my hand by the sailor I had relieved kept fanning the motionless white face before me.

But I had a friend a sailor who owned a sailor's protection, which answered somewhat the purpose of free papers describing his person, and certifying to the fact that he was a free American sailor. The instrument had at its head the American eagle, which gave it the appearance at once of an authorized document. This protection, when in my hands, did not describe its bearer very accurately.

Now, all together, get her into the water, and be ready to jump in and push off when Atkins arrives." When the sailor was still a hundred yards away the head of a column of Russian infantry appeared over the crest. When they saw the boat they gave a shout, and breaking, ran down the hill at full speed.

It was one of the watch with the end of a rope leading out of sight up the scuttle. Pausing an instant, the sailor pressed softly the chest of his victim, sounding his slumbers; and then hitching the cord to his ankle, returned to the deck.

A clever sailor, whose ship is sinking because of too much freight does not think long before he throws the treasure overboard; a wise man in pain makes quick vows of abstinence from the cause of pain.