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"About everything of interest to the secret enemies of our country: explanations of where and how to get false passports, detailed statements of the sailings of our transports, directions for obtaining materials for making bombs, instructions for blowing up munition plants, suggestions for smuggling rubber, orders for fomenting strikes.

Wilton checked himself as he was about to fill a pipe, took one of my cigars instead, and was silent for fifteen minutes. Then said he: "Have you got a list of the Southampton sailings on you?"

She says she must make arrangements, send cables and so on, and she's got to have a straight answer yes or no at once." "Yes, and then what?" Her hold on his shoulders tightened avidly. "She's booked sailings for herself and the girl for the 8th, and she wants to book one for me, too. Otherwise she says it's all off." "Ah! What did you tell her?" "I promised I'd go."

Jane Repton's eyes filled with tears and her hand sought for her handkerchief. "Let's see what can be done," said Repton. "There's a mail-steamer of course, but you won't want to travel by that." "No." Repton worked out the sailings from Bombay and the other ports on the western coast of India while Stella leaned over his shoulder. "Look!" he said. "This is the best way.

Let the reader picture to himself the stillness of the night within, and without the rumbling roar of the sea the peculiar piping of the wind, which rang upon my ears like the tones of a mighty organ played upon by spectral hands the passing scudding clouds which, shining bright and white, often seemed to peep in through the rattling oriel-windows like giants sailings past in very truth, I felt, from the slight shudder which shook me, that possibly a new sphere of existences might now be revealed to me visibly and perceptibly.

"Still, the Spanish company seem to have changed their sailings, because I thought I saw one of their boats yesterday; but she was a long way off on the horizon." He thought the other gave him a keen glance, but as the shutters were partly closed the light was not good, and the man answered carelessly: "They do not deal with us.

For ships making monthly sailings to various named points, among them Brazil, Uruguay, and the Argentines, and semi-weekly sailings to Algeria, bounties were provided ranging from seven to seventeen cents per ton gross for every thousand miles run, to continue for a period of ten years.

Diana and Emma enjoyed happy quiet sailings under May breezes on the many-coloured South-western waters, heart in heart again; the physical weakness of the one, the moral weakness of the other, creating that mutual dependency which makes friendship a pulsating tie. Diana's confession had come of her letter to Emma.

The tide has come in ere they return, and the little voyagers are lifted out, tired and sleepy, in the boatman's arms, to dream that night of endless sailings over endless seas. It is a terrible morning that brings the children news of their recall to the smoke and din of town.

Switzerland, without any seaboard, was not concerned with submarine warfare, and other neutrals were too much under the influence of German blandishments or terror to risk war in defence of their rights; they preferred to abandon their sailings to British ports.