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As the sailboat drew down into plain view, exclamations of admiration were heard on all sides. For a single-masted boat she carried a great spread of white canvas and two jibs, each of which was full of wind, pulling powerfully.

Many an excellent swimmer, in smooth water, would dread buffeting with such waves as were now rolling. Dave Darrin, meanwhile, held on to the tiller and the paid-out sheet, ready to manoeuvre the now pitching, rolling boat at an instant's notice. It took all his seamanship to keep the craft afloat, though the sailboat was far better modeled for such water than the motor launch had been.

The four girls were in an unusually energetic frame of mind the next day, owing to so many hours confinement on the sailboat. "Let's do something wild to-day," said Cricket, at the breakfast-table. "I'd like to ride a crazy horse." "Are you tired of this world?" asked Will. "If you are, I'll go and borrow Mr. Gates's Josephus, his new horse. He's only half broken, and that's the wrong half."

"Oh, I heerd Jim hed gone to Califor " "Pshaw!" said Miss Peekin, contemptuously; "that was days ago! I mean Brown the New York chap Millie Botayne's lover!" "Ye don't?" "But I do; an' what's more, he had to. Ther wuz men come after him in the nighttime, but he must hev heard 'em, fur they didn't find him in his room, an' this mornin' they found that his sailboat was gone, too.

Madge recoiled with a pretty shriek. "Oh, horrors! Trust myself in a horrid tippy canoe, with a girl? Never, my dear! I value my life too highly, I assure you. But there is a sailboat! I dote on sailing, and I am sure Professor Merryweather is a superb sailor." Professor Merryweather rose with a smile, and would be charmed to take the young ladies out in the Keewaydin.

A yell of approval went up. "Why can't you come tomorrow?" asked the greedy Demetrius. "Because I've promised to go to the other end of the lake on a picnic. All the people at the hotel are going." "I'll come tomorrow and spend the whole day with you," promised Rob. "We'll have a ride in the sailboat and do all sorts of things." "Why, aren't you going on that infernal picnic?" I asked.

"I have proposed it, but Herbert is very stiff about it." "Humph!" said the squire, clearing his throat; "I think you will have to wait a while." "How long?" asked James, dissatisfied. "I'll tell you what I'll do," said his father, "If things go well, I expect to make a good deal of money within twelve months. Instead of a rowboat, I'll buy you a beautiful little sailboat next season."

The icing foamed up all over it like waves, and on the very top of the sugary billows was placed a little candy sailboat, as nearly like the lost "Princess" as Perkins could procure. "Oh, how perfectly beautiful," said Judy. "How did you think of it, Perkins?" and she smiled at him in a way that set his old heart a-beating.

The house was comfortably furnished, everything clean to perfection, and the atmos- phere of love and home that dwelt here was long remembered by us while we huddled in many a dreary camp during the weeks that followed. Then we made ready for the start. Tom and his young son Henry announced their intention of accompanying us a short distance up Grand Lake in their small sailboat. Mrs.

A sailboat was dispatched toward Panama, which luckily met the steamer John T. Stephens, just coming out of the bay, loaded with about a thousand passengers bound for San Francisco, and she at once proceeded to the relief of the Golden Age.