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Well, when next you travel you had better try to keep awake," was George Strong's comment, and a titter passed along the table, which made Dan Baxter very angry. "Sit down here. Alexander, help Baxter to some supper." "Yes, sah," came from the waiter; and no more was said. Presently Baxter caught sight of Dick at the table opposite, and he looked daggers at the youth.

"Bress your soul, sah," said Ephum, his face falling perceptibly, "bress your soul, sah, Miss Jinny's done gone to Halcyondale, in Kaintuck, to see her grandma. Ole Ephum ain't de same nigger when she's away." The young Captain's face showed as much disappointment as the darkey's. "Cuss it!" said he, strongly, "if that ain't too bad!

After a short pause, he whispered, "Boy, you come sneakin' round to-morrow night when dat yeh stew'd done gone to bed, an' Ah'll jest gadder you up a piece of pie f'om Cap'n's table yass, sah! Eight bells is struck. Go 'long, you."

"Ah donno sah, Ah don' keep acco'nt of such obnoxious individuals as bank robbers, sah," replied Bucephalus, with great dignity. "Was the fellow with the white mustache caught?" "Ah donno, sah, and " "What is it to you which one was caught and how do you happen to know so much about them, Herring?" asked Harry.

"It's sure goin' fer ter bother Massa Donaldson ter lose dis nigger, sah, fer Ah's de only one he's got." The lights slowly faded away in the far distance, finally disappearing altogether as we rounded a sharp bend in the river bank. The engine increased its stroke, giving vent to louder chugging, and I could feel the strain of the planks beneath us as we battled the current.

Vincent gave a shout of satisfaction, and Lucy and the negress ran out from the house in delight. "Here am de cart. Me had to go to five miles from de town to get him. Dat what took me so long. Here am a letter, sah, from the doctor. First-rate man dat Good man all ober." The letter was as follows: "My Dear Mr.

An' thet's as fer as dey ever done tol' me, sah." "About this first white man the one near the mouth of the Illinois do you know his name?" Pete rose to his feet, and crossed the room to where I stood, bending down until his lips were close to my ear. His answer was spoken in a thick whisper.

Allen done gone for good," he put in, "done give me five dollars last night. Why, sah," he added, scratching his head, "you was on de poch dis mornin' when his trunks was took away!" It was certainly no time to quibble then. "His trunks!" Miss Trevor exclaimed. "Yes, he has left us and gone to Mohair," I said, "bag and baggage. That is the flat truth of it."

Bladderhatchet means to feed all the fish in the Ohio on beefsteak. Hello, Cuffey, what do you want?" "I's not Cuffey, sah; I's Scipio." "Well, I's Byle, Plutarch Byle," said the stranger, raising his gaunt, gawky figure to a posture which, though far from erect, revealed a stature so much above the average height that the negro stepped back a few paces and stared with astonishment.

Neb will make no step-husband, I can promise you." "Don't be in a hurry, Masser Mile," said Dido, with an eagerness that showed this ready consent was anything but what she wanted. "Dere many 'jection to Neb, when he ask to marry a young gal in Chloe sitiation. You know, sah, Chloe now Miss Grace's own waitin'-maid.