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Don Sabas lagged a little behind, looking at the still form of the late admiral, sprawled in his paltry trappings. "Pobrecito loco," he said softly. He was a brilliant cosmopolite and a cognoscente of high rank; but, after all, he was of the same race and blood and instinct as this people. Even as the simple paisanos of Coralio had said it, so said Don Sabas.

The admiral emitted a croaking, harsh laugh, and spake. "They will stand you," he said, "with your face to a wall and shoot you dead. That is the way they kill traitors. I knew you when you stepped into my boat. I have seen your picture in a book. You are Sabas Placido, traitor to your country. With your face to a wall. So, you will die. I am the admiral, and I will take you to them.

"Hey! black boys!" said the captain, in a dialect of his own; "you sabe, catchy boat and vamos back same place quick." They saw him point to themselves, the sloop and Coralio. "Yas, yas!" they cried, with broader grins and many nods. The four Don Sabas, the two officers and the captain moved to quit the sloop.

With your face to the wall. Yes." The admiral called a sudden order to his crew. The lithe, silent Caribs made fast the sheets they held, and slipped down the hatchway into the hold of the sloop. When the last one had disappeared, Don Sabas, like a big, brown leopard, leaped forward, closed and fastened the hatch and stood, smiling. "No rifles, if you please, dear admiral," he said.

The president had requested a convention of his cabinet for the discussion of questions politic and for the transaction of certain routine matters of state. The session had been signally tedious; the business and the wine prodigiously dry. A sudden, prankish humour of Don Sabas, impelling him to the deed, spiced the grave affairs of state with a whiff of agreeable playfulness.

A dozen quarts of champagne in conjunction with an informal sitting of the president and his cabinet led to the establishment of the navy and the appointment of Felipe Carrera as its admiral. Next to the champagne the credit of the appointment belongs to Don Sabas Placido, the newly confirmed Minister of War.

They were waiting, on the Salvador, to welcome them. The sloop came close alongside the steamer where her sides were sliced almost to the lower deck for the loading of fruit. The sailors of the Salvador grappled and held her there. Captain McLeod leaned over the side. "Well, senor, the jig is up, I'm told." "The jig is up?" Don Sabas looked perplexed for a moment. "That revolution ah, yes!"

At the answer the admiral would plump himself down with a great rattling of scabbard to await the infrequent tick of the little instrument on the table. "They will come," would be his unshaken reply; "I am the admiral." At the head of the insurgent party appeared that Hector and learned Theban of the southern republics, Don Sabas Placido.

Other accounts have preserved to us the individual exploits of the Russian heroes Gabriel, Skylaf of Novgorod, James of Polotsk, Sabas, who threw down the tent of Birger, and Alexander Nevski himself, who with a stroke of the lance "imprinted his seal on his face," 1240.

Sabas Orros, who, Villa supposed, would wreak his revenge blindly upon him, but he was greatly mistaken, as said gentleman treated the priest with great respect; the tyrant remained talking to Father Florentino in the reception room of the headquarters building, and when it appeared that such talk would come to blows, the elder of the Americans left one of the rooms toward the reception room, and the scene suddenly changing, Villa arose and addressing the priest said: 'I am pleased to introduce to you an American Brigadier-General, Mr.