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The elders talked in their formal dull way telling Nannie the trite old things about the park and the village that they told every one, and Beatrice watched me across the table with a pitiless little curiosity that made me uncomfortable. "Nannie," she said, pointing, and Nannie left a question of my mother's disregarded to attend to her; "is he a servant boy?" "S-s-sh," said Nannie.

By this time the bell buzzes again, and Helma shows in a dumpy little woman with partly gray hair and Baldwin apple cheeks evidently a friend of Auntie's by the way they go to a clinch. "Mrs. Mumford," says Vee. "Auntie's donation to the party, eh?" says I. "Just listen to her coo!" "S-s-sh!" says Vee, snickerin'.

The little boys who had gone after the gun came pattering along hurriedly, the weapon borne in the midst of them. Each was anxious to share in the honour. The one who had been delegated to bring it was bullying and directing his comrades. Peter said, "S-s-sh!" He took the gun and poised it in readiness to sweep the cornfield.

"Bravo, Roger," shouted Harry; "well thought of! Now, I should never have hit upon that method if I had been worrying at this thing for ever." "S-s-sh !" Roger whispered. "Be quiet, man; do you want to bring those spies and jailers upon us? For you assuredly will, if you make much of that row." "I am sorry," said Harry.

I been here forty year and we got along all right without it, say I! If that's what he's talkin' about, I'm goin' home. I understood it was somethin' about taxes we was to hear. They got me taxed plumb out of my socks and " "S-s-sh!" cautioned those in the vicinity. "And if they tax us for this I can't have any underwear at all! Lemme outer this.

"S-s-sh!" says I. "It's Old Home Day, and the lady is handin' out choc'late creams. Wait up; maybe it'll be your turn next." "But, see here, I don't understand," says he. "Who are these persons, and why " "Ah, say!" says I. "Ain't you got any sportin' blood? Besides, I don't know the answer myself." I could of kept that up just about one more round before I'd fell through a crack; but just as Mr.

Oh, please How can you? "S-s-sh! There! there! I am a bull-headed old thing, for sure. But I'm like the dog that chased the rat across the shelf where they kept the best china, my intentions are good. Don't cry, deary. Let's get to the bottom of this thing, as the man said when he tumbled into the well. When I first knew that you and John were in love with each other, I felt dreadful.

The little boys who had gone after the gun came pattering along hurriedly, the weapon borne in the midst of them. Each was anxious to share in the honour. The one who had been delegated to bring it was bullying and directing his comrades. Peter said, "S-s-sh!" He took the gun and poised it in readiness to sweep the cornfield.

Peter swung his legs over the rail and faced the woods again. He twisted his head once to say: "Keep still, can't yeh? Quit scufflin' aroun'!" They could see by his manner that this was a supreme moment. The group became motionless and still. Later, Peter turned to say, "S-s-sh!" to a restless boy, and the air with which he said it smote them all with awe.

"Remember the night your hack-driver got drunk and left you " "S-s-sh!" he cautioned. "That Jap driver is a high-school graduate and knows more English than either of us. Also, I think he is a spy for his Government. So why should we tell him anything? Besides, I was so very young. You remember . . . "