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Marie and her curls and her silk tights, Quade s'elp me, it wouldn't have surprised me so much if you'd fallen in love with her! And over this other woman you're as mad as Joe is over Marie. At first sight he was ready to sell his soul for her. So I gave Marie to him. And now, for some other woman, you're just as anxious to surrender a half of your share of what we've bought through Marie.

"What's the use of grousing there, and speaking against The Widow?" "I didn't!" said Ortheris, "S'elp me, Gawd, I never said a word agin 'er, an' I wouldn't not if I was to desert this minute!" Here was my opening. "Well, you meant to, anyhow. What's the use of cracking-on for nothing? Would you slip it now if you got the chance?"

The chief had given him a four-finger nip about ten o'clock 'only one, s'elp me! good old chief; but as to getting the old fraud out of his bunk a five-ton crane couldn't do it. Not it. Not to-night anyhow. He was sleeping sweetly like a little child, with a bottle of prime brandy under his pillow.

"Here, come along, some of you sportsmen! I ain't made the price of my railway fare, s'elp me!" "It's a dead cert, gents." "Can't afford to buy thick 'uns at four quid apiece!" "Five to one on the field!" "I lay on the field!" A "thick un?"

It's an idee you can lick your weight in wildcats. We'll pull off a stunt pretty soon that'll fill our pockets with dust. I've done it afore, and we can do it here. Wolf an' dog s'elp me Gawd but it'll be a drawin' card!" Twice a day after this he brought fresh raw meat to Kazan. Quickly Kazan's spirit and courage returned to him. The soreness left his limbs. His battered jaws healed.

I ain't never been before the Stewards yet for crooked work, or crooked talk; but there's a boy ridin' in dat bunch to-day w'at got six hundred for t'rowing me down once, see? S'elp me God! he pulled Blue Smoke to a standstill on me, knowin' that it would break me. That was at Coney Island, two years ago." "And you don't remember his name, I suppose, Mike?"

That's positively certain. And what is also certain is that in some of those dealings he was, in some way or another, intimately associated with the man whose name has already come up a good deal since Monday Mr. Spencer Levendale!" "S'elp me!" muttered Melky. "I heard Levendale, with my own two ears, say that he didn't know the poor old fellow!" "Very likely," said Mr. Penniket, drily.

I'll 'ave the lawr of ye both, s'elp me, I will." Kilsip paid no attention to this outbreak of the old fury, but turned to the girl. "This is the gentleman who wants to speak to you," he said, gently, making the girl sit on the chair again, for indeed she looked too ill to stand. "Just tell him what you told me."

Devlin, the Colour-Sergeant of E Company, glanced at the empty saddle and tumbled through the barrack-rooms, kicking; up each Room Corporal as he passed. 'Up, ye beggars! There's something happened to the Colonel's son, he shouted. 'He couldn't fall off! S'elp me, 'e couldn't fall off, blubbered a drummer-boy. 'Go an' hunt acrost the river.

'Well, said the other, on the defensive, 'your mother comes to me at dinner time, an' she says: 'I s'pose 'taint likely you'll see my Dick, Jacker. I said, No, Missus Haddon, 'taint, s'elp me. Then she says, 'Well, if he should come to see you, will you give him this? So I took it, an' there you are.