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Haddock are present from January to April and hake from September to December. Depths are from 75 to 80 fathoms over mud and rocks. Fishing on this ground is by hand line and trawl by small boats and sloops, with an occasional trip by larger vessels in winter. Sagadahoc. This ground is SE. by E. from Halfway Rock 22 miles and S. ½ W. from Seguin 17 miles.

"I confess, Rube," replied Seguin, with a smile, "I do not perceive how we can mislead them." "Wal, then," continued the trapper, with a chuckle of satisfaction at his own superior prairie-craft, "this child's a-gwyne to tell 'ee how 'ee kin put them on a different track." "Hooraw for you, old hoss!" "'Ee see a quiver on that Injun's back?" "Ay, ay!" cried several voices.

The old Park theatre what names, reminiscences, the words bring back! Placide, Clarke, Mrs. Vernon, Fisher, Clara F., Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Seguin, Ellen Tree, Hackett, the younger Kean, Macready, Mrs. Richardson, Rice singers, tragedians, comedians. What perfect acting!

It is a good lobster grounds. Haddock are taken here in the spring months by trawling; cod are taken on trawl and in gill nets during February and March and from Augusta to November. Hake are taken during June, July and August by the sane methods as are used in catching the other species. New Meadows Channel. West from The Gully; E. from Seguin. This is a spring gill-net ground.

Species and seasons are as on Seguin Ground, except that a great proportion of hake are taken here on mud from 60 fathoms down. It is a cod ground in spring and summer. Marks: Hunnewell Point Woods on Seguin; Damariscotta Hill over Damariscove Island. Cow Ground. Nearly SW. from Bald Head, the center distant miles. This is nearly 4 miles long in a NE. and SW. direction and miles wide.

If you goin' get drunk for lick me, I'll be goin' get drunk for lick you' Canadien hain't nev' fool 'nuff for fight, M'sieu, only if dey is got drunk. "Well, my fader he's go on old Marceau's hotel, an' he's drink all day. Frawce Seguin he's go cross de road on Joe Maufraud's hotel, an' he's drink all day. When de night come, dey's bose stand out in front of de two hotel for fight.

They saw them no longer; they felt but one desire, to say that they loved each other, and that the season had come when love blossoms afresh. His lips protruded, she offered hers, and then they kissed. "Oh! don't disturb yourselves!" cried Beauchene merrily. "Why, what is the matter with you?" "Would you like us to move away?" added Seguin.

We could not, of course, understand what was said; but from the expression of their faces, and their gesticulations, we could tell that they seemed disposed to accept it. They knew that the queen had not recognised Seguin as her father. They had watched her closely as she rode down the opposite side of the barranca; in fact, conversed by signals with her, before we could interfere to prevent it.

The last part of this speech was uttered in a half soliloquy; and Seguin, after delivering it, remained for some moments silent and abstracted. Before the conversation was resumed, El Sol and his sister entered the tent, and Seguin introduced us to each other. In a few moments we were engaged, El Sol, the doctor, Seguin, and myself, in an animated conversation.

The ruffian! the wholesale butcher of innocent " A dark waif danced against the wall: it was the shadow of a man. I looked up. Seguin was before me! Saint Vrain on seeing him enter had turned away, and stood looking out of the window.