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Peter went to the window to open it to the altered air, and in doing so beheld at the garden gate the humble "growler" in which a few hours before he had seen Mrs. Ryves take her departure. It was unmistakable he remembered the knock-kneed white horse; but this made the fact that his friend's luggage no longer surmounted it only the more mystifying.

Such a prejudice, it was true, had been subjected to a violent test; it had been fairly apparent that she had a light step, but it was still less to be overlooked that she had a cottage piano. Jersey Villas stood in pairs, semi-detached, and Mrs. Ryves such was the name under which the new lodger presented herself had been admitted to the house as confessedly musical. Mrs.

"Only, being thus in the dark, it's difficult to see your motive for wishing the papers destroyed." Mrs. Ryves meditated, looking fixedly at the ground. "I thought you might do it to oblige me." "Does it strike you that such an expectation, formed in such conditions, is reasonable?" Mrs. Ryves stopped short, and this time she turned on him the clouded clearness of her eyes.

"Oh, we can't go more's the pity; but why, if we could," Mrs. Ryves inquired, "should you wish to prevent it?" "Because I've something to ask you first, something that may take some time." He saw now that her embarrassment had really not been resentful; it had been nervous, tremulous, as the emotion of an unexpected pleasure might have been.

Ryves then went on to state that, after the death of the Duke of Kent and his father, the Duke of Sussex paid a visit to herself and her mother. On that occasion, and subsequently, he examined the papers, and declared himself satisfied that they were genuine. In her cross-examination, and in answer to questions put by the court, Mrs. Ryves stated that her mother, Mrs.

"It's rather tantalising it's a bit of a problem," Baron went on, turning his packet over. Mrs. Ryves hesitated. "Will you show me what you have in your hand?" He gave her the packet, and she looked at it and held it for an instant to her nose. "It has a queer, charming old fragrance," he said. "Charming? It's horrid." She handed him back the packet, saying again more emphatically "Don't!"

Bundy, as a letter of furnished lodgings, was characterised in general by a familiar domestic severity in respect to picturesque young women, but she had the highest confidence in Mrs. Ryves. She was luminous about her being a lady, and a lady who could bring Mrs. Bundy back to a gratified recognition of one of those manifestations of mind for which she had an independent esteem.

J. DUNNING. ROBT. WILMOT. January 7th, 1780." Mrs. Ryves, the petitioner, was the principal witness called. She gave her evidence very clearly and firmly, and when offered a seat in the witness-box declined it, saying that she was not tired, and could stand for ever to protect the honour of her family.

Bundy ushered him, with her company flourish, into the apartment she had fondly designated. "I went away this morning, and I've only returned for an instant," said Mrs. Ryves, as soon as Mrs. Bundy had closed the door. He saw that she was different now; something had happened that had made her indulgent. "Have you been all the way to Dover and back?" "No, but I've been to Victoria.

Just as this instrument served, with the gentleman at No. 4, as a theme for discussion, so between Peter Baron and the lady of the parlours it had become a basis of peculiar agreement, a topic, at any rate, of conversation frequently renewed. Mrs. Ryves was so prepossessing that Peter was sure that even if they had not had the piano he would have found something else to thresh out with her.