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"No malice, Ruyven, and we'll forgive each other." Her brother met the clasp; then, hands in his pockets, followed us back through the stockade towards the porch. I was pleased to see that his pride had suffered no more than his body from the fall he got, which augured well for a fair-minded manhood.

"All the same," he said, slowly, "you're a great goose not to wed him.... And you'll be sorry ... when he's dead!" At this veiled prophecy of my approaching dissolution, all were silent save Dorothy and Ruyven, whose fresh laughter rang out peal on peal. "Laugh," said Harry, gloomily; "but you won't laugh when he's killed in the war, ... and scalped, too." Ruyven, suddenly sober, looked up at me.

"You and I have much to consider, much to discuss in these uncertain days," she said, confidently. "And we cannot babble matters of import to these children " "I'm seventeen!" howled Ruyven, through the key-hole. "Dorothy's not eighteen till next month, the little fool " "Don't mind him," said Dorothy, raising her voice for Ruyven's benefit.

She rides with us to Albany I mean Magdalen we wed at my aunt's house " The trumpet of the Legion was sounding persistently; the clatter of spurred boots filled the hallway; Ruyven burst in, sabre banging, and flung himself into my arms. "Good-bye! Good-bye!" he cried. "We are marching with the left wing to Balston.

"Dorothy is beckoning us," observed Ruyven, gathering up his paints. I looked towards her and she raised her hand, motioning us to come. "About father's watch," she said. "I have just consulted Sir George, and he says that neither I nor Ruyven have won, seeing that Ruyven used the coin he did " "Very well," cried Ruyven, triumphantly. "Then let us match dates again.

Ruyven! find hatchets and come to the painted post." "Sport!" cried Harry, leaping down-stairs before us. "Cecile, get your hatchet get mine, too! Come on, Cousin Ormond, I'll guide you; it's the painted post by the spring and hark, Cousin George, if you beat her I'll give you my silvered powder-horn!"

"Why don't you present us to our cousin Ormond?" spoke up a maid of sixteen. "Who wants to make your acquaintance?" retorted Ruyven, edging again towards his sister.

I am thankful that Ruyven is in Sir George Covert's squadron. "And, dear, what do you think? Walter Butler was taken, three days since, by some of Sir George Covert's riders, while visiting his mother and sister at a farm-house near Johnstown. He was taken within our lines, it seems, and in civilian's clothes; and the next day he was tried by a drum-court at Albany and condemned to death as a spy.

I asked, amused at her earnestness. Ere she could reply, Ruyven called from the stairs that Cato had my tub of water all prepared, and she walked away, nodding a brief adieu, pausing at the door to give me one sweet, swift smile of friendly interest.

I can't think for the suddenness of it!... And you just home; and Ruyven there, snuggled close to you as a house-cat and then that sound of galloping, like a fly-stung herd of cattle in a pasture!" "I think Ruyven is safe," I said, closing my eyes. "Yes, he's safe. Nobody chased him; they'll know at the manor by this time; they knew long ago.... My men will be out.... Where are we, Ormond?"