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Alas, my silly fears! there stood the little beauty's exact counterpart, labeled Setophaga ruticilla, the American redstart, a bird which the manual assured me was very common in my neighborhood. But it was not my eyes only that were opened, my ears also were touched. It was as if all the birds had heretofore been silent, and now, under some sudden impulse, had broken out in universal concert.

Pheasant, Tragopan, display of plumage by the male; marking of the sexes of the. Pheasants, period of acquisition of male characters in the family of the; proportion of sexes in chicks of; length of the tail in. Philters, worn by women. Phoca groenlandica, sexual difference in the coloration of. Phoenicura ruticilla. Phosphorescence of insects. Phryganidae, copulation of distinct species of.

MacCulloch's note that it occasionally visits the Islands for a short time on migration, very few, if any, remaining to breed. It is included in Professor Ansted's list, but only marked as occurring in Guernsey. There is, however, no specimen at present in the Museum. BLACK REDSTART. Ruticilla titys, Scopoli. French, "Rouge queue Tithys."

Professor Ansted includes the Robin in his list, but, as with the Hedgesparrow, only mentions it as occurring in Guernsey and Sark. It is, however, equally common in Alderney, Jethou, and Herm. REDSTART. Ruticilla phoenicurus, Linnaeus. French, "Rouge-queue," "Bec-fin des murailles."

Some slight variations of plumage take place in the Black Redstart at different ages and seasons, which have led to some little difficulties, and to another supposed species, Ruticilla cairii of Gerbe being suggested, but apparently quite without reason. I have never seen the Black Redstart in the Islands at any time of year except the autumn, and do not know of its occurrence at any other time.

Murray, A., on the Pediculi of different races of men. Murray, T.A., on the fertility of Australian women with white men. Mus coninga. Mus minutus, sexual difference in the colour of. Musca vomitoria. Muscicapa grisola. Muscicapa luctuosa. Muscicapa ruticilla, breeding in immature plumage. Muscle, ischio-pubic.

Ruminants, male, disappearance of canine teeth in; generally polygamous; suborbital pits of; sexual differences of colour in. Rupicola crocea, display of plumage by the male. Ruppell, on canine teeth in deer and antelopes. Russia, numerical proportion of male and female births in. Ruticilla.