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You laughed at me once; You would not laugh now. If you could see " The Colonel stopped; the Comtesse was holding out both hands as though supplicating him. Elsie Gray rose and bent over her. The Comtesse put her gently aside. "You have that letter?" she asked. The little Colonel passed a hand into a breast pocket and extracted a dainty Russia-leather letter-case.

Here are some trunks and carpet-bags, well bepasted with the names of foreign towns and countries, famous and infamous. One of the trunks is a bathing-tub, fitted with a cover an agreeable promise of refreshment amidst the dust and weariness of travel. A Russia-leather travelling-bag lies open on the table, disgorging an abundant armament of brushes and combs and various toilet niceties. Mr.

Trembling he put it into his little Russia-leather pocket-book: and when he ventured to look up, and saw the eyes of the Baroness de Florval-Delval, nee de Melval-Norval, gazing upon him with friendly and serene glances, a thrill of pride tingled through Pogson's blood: he felt himself to be the very happiest fellow "on the Continent."

Some of the money, also, she inserted in the body of the frock, and thus enriched, it was once more put on by Cecile. "Now, Cecile," said Miss Smith, "I feel conceited, for I don't believe anyone will ever think of looking there for your money; and I am to keep the Russia-leather purse and the forty pounds and they are for an English girl called Lovedy.

She even shyly and in conclusion confided some of her religious doubts and difficulties to the kind clergyman. And she said with a frank sweet light in her blue eyes that she was quite happy now, for she had found out all about the Guide she needed. But about her secret, her Russia-leather purse, her motive in going to France, Cecile was absolutely silent.

D'Albert when she gave her that Russia-leather purse had said to her solemnly, and with considerable fear: "Keep it from Lydia Purcell. Let Lydia know nothing about it, for Lydia loves money so well that no earthly consideration would make her spare you. Lydia would take the money, and all my life-work, and all your hope of finding Lovedy, would be at an end." This, in substance, was Mrs.

"Do so, by all means," answered Lestrange, curious to see how far the fellow could support with proof the accuracy of his scent. Richard moved three paces, and took down a volume one of a set, the original edition in quarto of "The Decline and Fall," bound in russia-leather. "I thought so!" he said; "going! going! Look at the joints of this Gibbon, sir.

We put ashore a well-dressed lady and gentleman, and two well-dressed, lady-like young girls, together with sundry Russia-leather bags. A strange place for such folk! No carriage was waiting. The party moved off as if they had not expected any, and struck down a winding country road afoot. I couldn't remember that town; I couldn't place it, couldn't call its name. So I lost part of my temper.

How glad I am I did not know it," almost involuntarily. There was a little pause; then Vera asked him if he was going to Walpole Lodge. "Eventually; but I have come back here to look for something. My brother has lost a little Russia-leather case; he thinks he may have dropped it in the church; there were two ten-pound notes in it. I am going in to look for it. Why, what is that in your hand?

"Yes, Cecile," said Miss Smith, taking the little girl's hand and seating her by her side, "if I had been the shrewd old English body I am, you would never have seen your purse again; but here it is at last, and I am not sorry to part with it." Here Miss Smith laid the Russia-leather purse on the table by Cecile's side. At sight of this old-fashioned and worn purse, young Mme.