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Webster, your father, Wilton only there, suspicion seems totally gratuitous Eugene Russell, Jarvis I've heard things about him any one of them may have struck that blow may have." "And father," she said, in a grieved bewilderment, "has paid Mrs. Brace to stop saying she suspects Berne," she shuddered, facing the alternative, "or himself!"

This collection is an education in the French decorative arts. Then, too, there is the Bolles collection of American furniture presented to the museum by Mrs. Russell Sage. I have no quarrel with the honest dealers who are making fine and sincere copies of such furniture, and selling them as copies.

As far, however, as he could be said to have any opinions, his opinions were Whiggish. Since his return from exile, his influence had been generally exerted in favour of the Whig party. It was by his counsel that the Great Seal had been entrusted to Somers, that Nottingham had been sacrificed to Russell, and that Montague had been preferred to Fox.

Now you have Tom Catherwood and Jack Brinsmade and the Russell boys running after you, it's different. I reckon I'll go to Kansas. There are Yankees to shoot in Kansas." He did not see her smile as he sat staring at his feet. "Max," said she, all at once, "why don't you settle down to something? Why don't you work?" Young Mr. Colfax's arm swept around in a circle.

This Committee was appointed "to consider the state of those British possessions in North America which are under the administration of the Hudson's Bay Company, or over which they possess a licence to trade." Lord John Russell, Mr. Gladstone, the present Lord Derby, Mr. Roebuck, Mr. Labouchere, Mr. Lowe, and Mr.

It is evident from James Russell Lowell's "Fable for Critics" that the personalities of his contemporaries troubled him: he could not see over their heads.

"I'm sure you won't thank that rascally cousin of mine for having taught you," said Russell; "but seriously, isn't it a very moping way of spending the afternoon, to go and lie down behind some hay-stack, or in some frowsy tumble-down barn, as you smokers do, instead of playing racquets or football?" "O, it's pleasant enough sometimes," said Eric, speaking rather against his own convictions.

"I can't see, but the boat must be between us and the men. How was it all?" "I don't quite understand, but the black seemed to try and save the man overboard. Don't don't speak! I want to see. Oh, if I only had a glass. Mine's below." "Can you see them now?" said Russell, in a faint whisper. "No, no, this is dreadful," groaned Mark; "they are so far-off, but I can see the boat.

It contained a pretty silver watch, and inside the case was engraved "Edwin Russell, from the mother of his friend Eric." The boy's eyes glistened with joyful surprise. "How good they are," he said; "I shall write and thank Mrs. Williams directly we get to Roslyn." They had a fine bright voyage, and arrived that night. Eric, as a new comer, was ushered at once into Dr.

The very day on which Russell was executed, the University of Oxford passed their famous decree, condemning formally, as impious and heretical propositions, every principle upon which the constitution of this or any other free country can maintain itself.