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And she spoke with more real virulence than that kind of upbraiding generally exhibits. 'The beast! exclaimed Mrs. Rusk, when she, I, and Mary Quince were in my room together, 'with all her crying and praying, I'd like to know as much as she does, maybe, about them rascals.

Katrina, tell Sydney to put a shade less cream in my tea than she did yesterday. No cake, thank you, John, but a rusk, yes, a rusk appeals to me. Bob, what wild thing did you do on that horse of yours on your way here?" "Not a thing, Mrs. Carroll. He came along like a Shetland pony. Gray Eagle doesn't like rain. It depresses him."

Take two pounds of flour, three-quarters of a pound of sugar, half a pound of butter, six eggs, and some mace or nutmeg; mix the flour, sugar and butter together, and wet it with the eggs; if too stiff, put in some cream, roll the dough thin; cut it in shapes, and fry them in boiling lard. The more lard there is, the less they will soak it up. Rusk.

In the morning, finding his way out of the woods, he espied a lonely hut, to which he made up, and making signs of hunger and thirst, they gave him some rusk bread and cabereta, or goat’s flesh, to eat, and some goat’s milk to drink, which is the usual fare amongst those people, who are most of them Lutherans by religion, and lead very sober lives; of some of them he got small bits of money, which they call campekes, and are of silver, something larger than a barley-corn, being of a penny value; he likewise frequently got drams of excellent brandy amongst them, and his shoes being worn-out by travelling, they gave him a pair of good wooden ones, which sat very awkwardly on his English feet.

'No occasion, my dear; Mary Quince and Mrs. Rusk can prove it perfectly. 'And why do you dislike her so very much? I asked. Cousin Monica leaned back in her chair, and searched the cornice from corner to corner with upturned eyes for the reason, and at last laughed a little, amused at herself.

Madame, I suppose, had heard me, for she was half-way down the stairs. 'Ah, my dear Cheaile, I am so glad to find you, and you are dress to come out. We shall have so pleasant walk. At that moment the door of my father's study opened, and Mrs. Rusk, with her dark energetic face very much flushed, stepped out in high excitement.

You see everybody is sure not to come, so there'll be plenty to go round." "Didn't Mr Rusk ask what they were for?" inquired Jill. "I said Mr Oliphant presented his kind regards, and would be glad to have the things sharp." Next morning, greatly to the delight of the hospitable pair, the herrings came up in a basket, addressed privately to Miss Jill.

No one cared to exchange his productions with a man who in return had to offer only his opinion of somebody else's! As this opinion was usually worthless even under the old regime, people soon began to turn up their noses at it, and nobody would give a rusk for the information that Turner was a better artist than Nature, or that hanging was too good for Whistler.

I got into the carriage, and bid Branston, who shut the door, good-bye, and kissed hands to Mrs. Rusk, who was smiling and drying her eyes and courtesying on the hall-door steps. The dogs, who had started gleefully with the carriage, were called back by Branston, and driven home, wondering and wistful, looking back with ears oddly cocked and tails dejected.

He was on the point of putting his finger through the centre of one of them when Wowkle the Indian woman-of-all-work of the cabin, who sat upon the floor before the fire singing a lullaby to the papoose strapped to its cradle on her back turning suddenly her gaze in his direction, was just in time to prevent him. "Charlotte rusk Palmetto rest'rant not take," were her warning words.