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And, among other things, one was about this building of a ship with Hemskirke's secret, to sail a third faster than any other ship; but he hath got Prince Rupert on his side, and by that means, I believe, will get his conditions made better than he would otherwise, or ought indeed. 21st.

He was Sir Gaston Robert Belward, Baronet. He remembered now how, at Prince Rupert's side, he had sped on after Ireton's horse, cutting down Roundheads as he passed, on and on, mad with conquest, yet wondering that Rupert kept so long in pursuit while Charles was in danger with Cromwell: how, as the word came to wheel back, a shot tore away the pommel of his saddle; then another, and another, and with a sharp twinge in his neck he fell from his horse.

The duke's blood, spurting out, had stained his opponent's shirt; but Rupert, not knowing that he had dealt Michael his death, was eager to finish the encounter. How he meant to deal with the other three of the band, I know not. I dare say he did not think, for the killing of Michael was not premeditated.

Now, don't tell me you've never seen one. Take your candle and go away." Helen obeyed and shut both doors quietly. She put the second candle beside the first and studied her pale face. She was not beautiful, and Rupert was absurd. She was colourless and rather dull, and to compare her with the radiant being in the other room was to hold a stable lantern to a star.

"Father, I never wrote that letter you say you had. Walter forged it to get you here, where he meant to kill us both. That's why he looked like that, that's why he had his gun." General Dunsmore only stared blankly at him for a moment. "Kill me? Kill you? What for?" he gasped. "So that he might become Lord Chobham of Wreste Abbey instead of Lord Chobham's poor relation," answered Rupert.

'I wish Rupert would keep to the truth with his jokes, said Helen. 'Helen, said Elizabeth, 'you cannot mean to say that he ever says what is untrue. You are letting yourself be carried much too far by your dislike. 'If he does not positively assert what is not true, he often makes people believe it, said Helen.

Verily but that our march was hasty when we passed Stratford, in the year 1643, with Sir William Waller; but that our march was hasty" "Because Prince Rupert was after you with his cavaliers," muttered the incorrigible Joceline.

He bent over Rupert, who ceased breathing. "He's the only one with his eyes closed," he said. "I expect there's someone would break her heart if she knew he was lying here. Well, lift him up, mates." The two months' imprisonment in the dungeon had done one good service for Rupert.

The English had formed an alliance with the French, when their united fleets, under the command of Prince Rupert the English having sixty men-of-war and frigates and the French thirty encountered the Dutch under De Ruyter, who had about seventy ships.

See, there come a whole party of Zulus scampering towards us, and whether or not old Vermack was right in his conjectures, I don't suppose that they are coming with any friendly intentions." As he spoke, he and Rupert shoved off, the Boer and the Kaffirs, who did not dismount, driving his horse before them across the river.