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His splendid physique seemed to run down with a rush, and when a month was over, he died, on July th, a victim to his own devouring energy perhaps, too, to the hardships of a life of journalism. "This was a man," said his friendly biographer, whom I have already quoted. No sentence could more justly sum up the feeling of all who knew James Runciman.

When he declared his purpose to Runciman, he had not intended to go to Mistletoe, nor to stay so long with his friend Surbiton. But now he almost thought that it would be better for him to be back at Rufford Hall, where at present his sister was staying with her husband, Sir George Penwether.

Runciman, wrote to tell Father that we were being sent out here to him, and he gave us the letter to post; but by an accident it got no farther than my second brother's pocket. He is very poetical, and that of course makes him very absent-minded.

Her father's observation of her face quickened as she visibly neared the end. She was quite taken aback by the signature, the moment it caught her eye. "Isaac Runciman!" she exclaimed. "Why that's that's ..." "That's the name of Mrs. Marrable's father that old Mrs. Prichard lays claim to for hers," said the Earl quietly. "And this letter is written to his daughter, Mrs.

"But they say he's actually going to Lord Rufford's," said young Botsey who would have given one of his fingers to be asked to the lord's house. "They are all going from Bragton," said Runciman. "The young squire is going to ride one of my horses," said Harry Stubbings. "That'll be an easy three pounds in your pockets, Harry," said the doctor.

"I think I've won my bet," said the hotel-keeper. "I don't see that at all. We didn't find in Dillsborough Wood." "I say we did find in Dillsborough Wood. We found a fox though unfortunately the poor brute was dead." "The bet's off I should say. What do you say, Larry?" Then Runciman argued his case at great length and with much ability.

The pears and apples do make their way out, and are distributed either by Mrs. Masters, the attorney's wife, or Mr. Runciman, the innkeeper. The present occupier of the house is a certain Mr. Reginald Morton, with whom we shall also be much concerned in these pages, but whose introduction to the reader shall be postponed for awhile.

Runciman could daunt, although he was quite sufficiently formidable at close quarters to make any ordinary person afraid. Rupert and Rumple cleaned the boots, while Nealie and Sylvia got breakfast ready, the three juniors having to make themselves useful in any direction where help was most needed. They had all learned to wait on themselves during the long illness of Aunt Judith, for Mrs.

Runciman, of the Bush, inquiring as to a certain hiring of rooms and preparation for a dinner or dinners which had been spoken of in reference to a final shooting decreed to take place in the neighbourhood of Dillsborough in the last week of January. Such things were often planned by Lord Rufford, and afterwards forgotten or neglected.

A sample of John Ruskin's early lessons in drawing, described by him in letters to his father, may be not without interest. On February 20, 1832, he writes: "... You saw the two models that were last sent, before you went away. Well, I took my paper, and I fixed my points, and I drew my perspective, and then, as Mr. Runciman told me, I began to invent a scene.