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Educated at Holy Cross College and Boston University Law School. Married. Practised law for two years. Engaged in journalism since 1906. Author: "Loot," 1916; "Plunder," 1917; "The Sport of Kings," 1917. Lives at Castine, Me. *Dummy-Chucker. #Roche, Mazo De La.# Explorers of the Dawn. *Stepping Westward. #Rumsey, Frances.# Born in New York City in 1886. Educated in France.

Fenn can't persuade Rumsey to have a thing done to him, and Simmy Dodge refuses to break his neck for scientific purposes, so I've given up hope. I shall take no more cases. In a year I may come back from London and then I'll go snooping about for nice little persons like you who—" "Simmy Dodge says you are not living at your grandfather's house any longer," she broke, irrelevantly.

Graham, president of the State W. C. T. U.; Mrs. John Winters Brannan and Mrs. Pearce Bailey, representing the Equal Franchise Society; Miss Mills, speaking for the State League; Leonora O'Reilly, presenting the resolution of the Women's Trade Union League of New York for the amendment; Mrs. Dexter F. Rumsey, speaking for Mrs.

The dates are said to be as follows: Rumsey launched his steamboat here at Sir John's Run in 1784, before the general and a throng of visitors from the Springs; in 1788, John Fitch launched another first steamboat on the Delaware, and sent it successfully up to Burlington; in 1807, Robert Fulton set a third first steamboat on the Hudson, the Clermont.

Rumsey, with considerable sternness. "If you must have it, you will have to go to some other house to get it. I am not willing to be in any way responsible for what is sure to follow. Come, now, and have some breakfast a bit of toast, a poached egg and be yourself; for I want to become acquainted with the bona fide Mr. Ashton. I have not met him yet; you have not been sober since you came here."

Heraldic designs related to history of Pacific Coast, by Ryan. Thoroughfare running along wall and lined with palms, Avenue of Palms. Equestrian statue, to right of Tower of Jewels, by Charles Niehaus, "Cortez," conquerer of Mexico. Equestrian statue, to left, by Charles Cary Rumsey, "Pizarro," conqueror of Peru. Fine in action and spirit. Tower of Jewels

"What are you two talking about so secretively?" demanded Mrs. Rumsey Fenn, across the table from them. "Ourselves, of course," said Lutie. "Bright people always have something in reserve, my dear. We save the very best for an extremity. Simmy delights in talking about me, and I love to talk about him.

I reserved this account for this place, because I passed in this journey over the very spot where the design was laid out namely, near Lyndhurst, in the road from Rumsey to Lymington, whither I now directed my course.

At this astounding news, the unhappy woman swooned outright, and, being taken back to her kinsman's, she lay grievously ill for many days, during which time, by letters from Kent, it was ascertained that this Rumsey was a graceless young spendthrift, who had left his wife and his two children three years before, and gone to parts unknown.

As I was saying, I said to Percy this morning: 'I must run in and see Jane Tresslyn to-day. And Percy said that he would meet me here and go on to theDo you remember the Fenns? The Rumsey Fenns?" "Oh, yes. I've been away only a year, you know, Mrs. Wintermill." "It seems ages.