United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

During the three days preceding the occupation of Moscow the whole Rostov family was absorbed in various activities. The head of the family, Count Ilya Rostov, continually drove about the city collecting the current rumors from all sides and gave superficial and hasty orders at home about the preparations for their departure.

Many rumors reach us touching our kingdom, and knowing nought for certain, we be desirous to learn from you how we should bear ourselves or hold our peace, in every case. And let none but yourself know what I say to you at this present writing." This preference and this confidence were no more than Louis VII. owed to Suger. The Abbot of St.

Her inbred scruples of a pure, honest woman made themselves felt, now it seemed to her that the rumors of a liaison with the Prussian captain had some foundation. "Then I'm to understand that it's in behalf of this young man that you come to us for assistance?" Gilberte insistently went on, as if enjoying her friend's discomfiture.

The next morning all the suburb rang with the story; the unfortunate merchant had been grievously hurt, and wives watched their husbands go out in the morning with sickening apprehension, not knowing what might happen at night. Lucian of course was ignorant of all these rumors, and struck into the gloomy by-road without caring where he was or whither the way would lead him.

Nor did wild rumors of all sorts fail to exaggerate, and still the more horrify the true histories of these deadly encounters.

"Has have the doctors been giving you a scare about yourself?" Gard divined the other's version of his strange actions, and jumped at an excuse that explained and covered much. "Don't talk about it," he said gruffly. "You know it won't do to have rumors about my health going round." Denning took the remark as a tacit acquiescence. His face expressed genuine sympathy and compassion.

The time had been when Florence Mountjoy had been proud of her cousin, and, to tell the truth of her feelings, though she had never loved him, she had almost done so. Rumors had made their way through even to her condition of life, and she in her innocence had gradually been taught to believe that Captain Scarborough was not a man whom she could be safe in loving.

As soon as it was known that Meiggs had fled, the town was full of rumors, and everybody was running to and fro to secure his money. His debts amounted to nearly a million dollars. The Hamburg house which, had been humbugged, were heavy losers and failed, I think.

New Orleans, he found, was on tiptoe for the climax of the tragedy which had so long been its source of ferment; the public was roused to a new and even keener suspense than at any time not so much, perhaps, by the reopening of the case as by the rumors of bribery and corruption which were gaining ground.

"I don't know, my dear minister," he said, "why you insist on giving that title to a man who is, really and truly, a mere acquaintance, and, I may add, a passing acquaintance, if the rumors you have just mentioned to us take actual shape."