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But who was that father? To his utter surprise, it was his father's old tempter and ruiner, the dark and inscrutable Gaut Gurley!

Besides these, another heinous act was framed by the same parliament, for observing every 29th of May as an anniversary thanksgiving, in commemoration of the unhappy restoration of this ruiner of religion and reformation.

It was, then, the enemy of her kinsmen of the house of Cummin! It was the man for whom her husband had embraced so many dangers! It was the man whom she had denounced to one of those kinsmen, and whom she had betrayed to the hazard of an ignominious death! But where now was the fierce rebel-the ruiner of her peace-the outlaw whom she had wished in his grave? The last idea was distraction.

If any one of these was of a milder nature than the rest, or in any way more regardful of the truth, he was looked upon as the ruiner of the country, every body cast a dart at him, and they valued things alike whether pleasing or displeasing to God, unless it so happened that what displeased him was pleasing to themselves.

"Ce qui vous avez mande de l'accommodement des Sauvages allies avec les Irocois n'a pas permis a Sa Majeste d'entrer dans la discution de la maniere de faire l'abandonnement des postes des Francois dans la profondeur des terres, particulierement a Missilimackinac ... En tout cas vous ne devez pas manquer de donner ordre pour ruiner les forts et tous les edifices qui pourront y avoir este faits."

There was a ruined uncle in the family group ruined by his brother, the Father of the Marshalsea, and knowing no more how than his ruiner did, but accepting the fact as an inevitable certainty on whom her protection devolved.

I watched its progress over the waves with feelings of a dark and almost unutterable nature. "My enemy! my rival! ruiner of my hopes! my brother! my twin brother!" I muttered bitterly between my ground teeth. The boat did not make to the open sea: it skulked along the shore, till distance and shadow scarcely allowed me to trace the outline of Gerald's figure.

Hate is an awful ruiner." For some moments longer Carmencita sat in huddled silence, then presently she spoke again. "I didn't intend to give Miss Cattie Burns anything. I've tried to like Miss Cattie and I can't. But it was very good in her to send us a quarter of a cord of wood for a Christmas present. She can't help being practical. I'll take her that red geranium to-morrow.

I watched its progress over the waves with feelings of a dark and almost unutterable nature. "My enemy! my rival! ruiner of my hopes! /my brother/! /my twin brother/!" I muttered bitterly between my ground teeth. The boat did not make to the open sea: it skulked along the shore, till distance and shadow scarcely allowed me to trace the outline of Gerald's figure.

For of course, as good calculators, they had to in the interest of their profession provide new recruits to take the place in the staggerin' ranks of the hundred thousand they annually killed off. And this saloonkeeper, helped on by Perkins, had the name of the most active boy and girl ruiner among the thousands in the city, though they all did a flourishin' bizness.