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Ebenezer Cruickshanks; in which injunction the page seemed to acquiesce with an air of great indifference. 'Ta duinhe-wassel might please himsell; ta auld rudas loon had never done Callum nae ill. But here's a bit line frae ta Tighearna, tat he bade me gie your honour ere I came back.

"I was aye big and buirdly, ye maun understand; a bonny figure o' a woman, though I say it that suldna built to rear bairns braw bairns they suld hae been, and grand I would hae likit it! But I was young, dear, wi' the bonny glint o' youth in my e'en, and little I dreamed I'd ever be tellin' ye this, an auld, lanely, rudas wife! Weel, Mr.

"And I think you will be as little fitted for the rudas men as for the pretty ladies, after all!" says she, when I had done. "But what was your father that he could not learn you to draw the sword? It is most ungentle; I have not heard the match of that in anyone." But you see I do the best I can, and just stand up like Lot's wife and let them hammer at me."

I heard ane o' his gillies bid that auld rudas jaud of a gudewife gie ye that. They thought I didna understand their gibberish; but, though I canna speak it muckle, I can gie a gude guess at what I hear them say I never thought to hae tauld ye that, but in a fright a' things come out that suld be keepit in.

Ebenezer Cruickshanks; in which injunction the page seemed to acquiesce with an air of great indifference. 'Ta duinhe-wassel might please himsell; ta auld rudas loon had never done Callum nae ill. But here's a bit line frae ta Tighearna, tat he bade me gie your honour ere I came back.

"There is just where you are wrong," said I; "for I was as uncouth as a sea-fish upon the brae of a mountain. The truth is that I am better fitted to go about with rudas men than pretty ladies." "Well, I would think so too, at all events!" said she, at which we both of us laughed. "It is a strange thing, now," said I. "I am not the least afraid with you, yet I could have run from the Miss Grants.

"And I think you will be as little fitted for the rudas men as for the pretty ladies, after all!" says she, when I had done. "But what was your father that he could not learn you to draw the sword? It is most ungentle; I have not heard the match of that in any one." But you see I do the best I can, and just stand up like Lot's wife and let them hammer at me."

I have seen you write fast and fast enough; and for subjects, you have the whole Highlands to write about, and I am sure you know a hundred tales better than that about Hamish MacTavish, for it was but about a young cateran and an auld carlin, when all's done; and if they had burned the rudas quean for a witch, I am thinking, may be they would not have tyned their coals and her to gar her ne'er-do-weel son shoot a gentleman Cameron!

I heard ane o' his gillies bid that auld rudas jaud of a gudewife gie ye that. They thought I didna understand their gibberish; but, though I canna speak it muckle, I can gie a gude guess at what I hear them say I never thought to hae tauld ye that, but in a fright a' things come out that suld be keepit in.

The Rudas bath exists to this day, and with its modernized system is one of the most popular. Császár bath, St. Lukács bath, both in Buda, have an old-established reputation for the splendid cures of rheumatism. A new bath is being built in Pest where the hot sulfur water oozes up in the middle of the park the same is to be found in St. Margaret's Isle.