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"Oh, Ensign; let us hope he is thinking of higher things! Let us both pray for him. Let Captain Sand pray for him, too, and I'll ask the Lieutenant. Now that she's got Miss Rozario safe into the Kingdom, I don't think she has any special object." "Oh, yes, we'll pray for him," Ensign Sand returned, as if that might have gone without saying, "but you " "And give me that precious baby.

Some leagues below Rozario, the western shore of the Parana is bounded by perpendicular cliffs, which extend in a long line to below San Nicolas; hence it more resembles a sea-coast than that of a fresh-water river. It is a great drawback to the scenery of the Parana, that, from the soft nature of its banks, the water is very muddy.

In the evening the postman or letter-carrier arrived. He was a day after his time, owing to the Rio Rozario being flooded. It would not, however, be of much consequence; for, although he had passed through some of the principal towns in Banda Oriental, his luggage consisted of two letters! The view from the house was pleasing; an undulating green surface, with distant glimpses of the Plata.

Sand. "There there now; he shall have his bottle, so he shall!" "A beautiful meeting. Abraham Lincoln White, the Savannah negro, you know, came as a believer for the first time, and so did Miss Rozario from Whiteway and Laidlaw's. We had such a happy time." "What sort of collection?" Laura opened a knotted handkerchief and counted out some copper coins. "Only seven annas three pice!

"Oll get together and left dress, please," besought Captain Rozario, and many of the little islands amalgamated with that on their extreme right while the remainder gravitated to their left the result being two continents of unequal dimensions. As Captain Rozario besought these disunited masses to conjoin, the voice of the General was heard in the land

"We are waiting for you to move off, Captain Rozario," stated Colonel Dearman. "Sir, how can I move off with oll the rest in my front?" inquired Captain Rozario reasonably. "Form fours, right, and quick march," prompted the Sergeant-Major, and Captain Rozario shrilled forth: "Form right fours and march quick," at the top of his voice.

In the evening the postman or letter-carrier arrived. He was a day after his time, owing to the Rio Rozario being flooded. It would not, however, be of much consequence; for, although he had passed through some of the principal towns in Banda Oriental, his luggage consisted of two letters! The view from the house was pleasing; an undulating green surface, with distant glimpses of the Plata.

Fe, real mountains. From these inequalities there is an abundance of small rivulets, and the turf is green and luxuriant. November 17th. We crossed the Rozario, which was deep and rapid, and passing the village of Colla, arrived at midday at Colonia del Sacramiento. The distance is twenty leagues, through a country covered with fine grass, but poorly stocked with cattle or inhabitants.

The real grandeur, however, of an immense river like this is derived from reflecting how important a means of communication and commerce it forms between one nation and another; to what a distance it travels, and from how vast a territory it drains the great body of fresh water which flows past your feet. For many leagues north and south of San Nicolas and Rozario, the country is really level.

Let Captain Sand pray for him too, and I'll ask the Lieutenant. Now that she's got Miss Rozario safe into the kingdom, I don't think she has any special object." "Oh yes, we'll pray for him," Ensign Sand returned, as if that might have gone without saying, "but you " "And give me that precious baby. You must be completely worn out. I should enjoy taking care of him; indeed I should."