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I have the honor to be an officer of the United States Navy, and as these guns happened to be within the territory of our government, of course it was all right that I should take them." "You stole the vessels after I ordered you to stop," muttered Captain Rowly. "Precisely so; but, being in a hurry just then, I hadn't time to stop," laughed Christy. "Where are you going now?

When Miss Rowly returned from her visit to London she told Stephen that she had paid the bill at the jeweller's, and had taken the precaution of getting a receipt, together with a duplicate for Mr. Everard.

'And so am I, uncle, much obliged as we are to the "three green peas," said Owen. 'Let us shake hands upon it, Rowly, and here's Gladys waiting for a kiss; she'll be running away from me again to be your district visitor, or Sister of Charity, or whatever you call it. Quite grand to have a near relation a London rector; I am half a foot taller already.

She stood up, holding them, and said to Miss Rowly: 'Now, if you will talk to Mr. Everard I will go over these documents quietly by myself. When I have been through them and understand them all I shall come back; and we will see what can be done. She moved gracefully out of the room, closing the door behind her. As is usual with women, she had more than one motive for her action in going away.

Harold, later on that morning, was to go into Norcester also; so Stephen with a lonely day before her set herself to take up loose-ends of all sorts of little personal matters. They would all meet at dinner as Rowly was to stop the night at Normanstand. Harold left the club in good time to ride home to dinner.

As he passed the County Hotel he stopped to ask if Squire Norman had left; and was told that he had started only a short time before with Squire Rowly in his T-cart. He rode on fast, thinking that perhaps he might overtake them and ride on with them. But the bays knew their work, and did it.

Stephen Norman of Normanstand had remained a bachelor until close on middle age, when the fact took hold of him that there was no immediate heir to his great estate. Whereupon, with his wonted decision, he set about looking for a wife. He had been a close friend of his next neighbour, Squire Rowly, ever since their college days.

"I don't deny it. You have a sword at your side; but as you neglected to use it, you will excuse me if I ask you to give it to me," added Christy, reaching out for the weapon. "Give you my sword!" exclaimed Captain Rowly. "It is a formality rather insisted upon on such occasions as the present." "I don't see it." "You don't?

Taking up a pen and drawing a sheet of paper towards him, he said with what command of his voice he could: 'What am I to write? The old lady took from her basket a folded sheet of notepaper, and, putting on her reading-glasses, said as she smoothed it out: 'I think it would be well to say something like this "I, Leonard Everard, of Brindehow, in the Parish of Normanstand, in the County of Norcester, hereby acknowledge the receipt from Miss Laetitia Rowly of nine hundred pounds sterling lent to me in accordance with my request, the same being to clear me of a pressing debt due by me.

But I stayed at Oxford and I know something of young men's ways; and as I am necessarily more or less of a man of business, he values my help. Don't you, Leonard? The challenge was so direct, and the position he was in so daringly put, that he had to acquiesce. Miss Rowly, who had looked on with a frown of displeasure, said coldly: 'I know you are your own mistress, my dear.