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"You're not a beauty, you know," said Rowden, looking at Clifford's hair, which was soaked into little points and curls; "you're certainly no beauty, but I think you're all right now don't you, Elliott?

Gethryn and Elliott caught now and then, from behind them, words of wisdom which Clifford was administering to the now subdued Rowden. "Yes," he was saying, "many a man has been injured for life by these Frenchmen for a mere nothing. I had two brothers," he paused, "and my golden-haired boy " he ceased again, apparently choking with emotion.

All this, together with a well made suit of green and yellow checks, and the seesaw accent of the British Empire, answered, when politely addressed, to the name of Cholmondeley Rowden, Esq. "I say," he began, "I'm awfully obliged, you know, and all that; but I'd jolly well like to give some of these cads a jolly good licking, you know."

A heart-rending sob was usually the sign of reviving intelligence. "Well," said Gethryn, buttoning his greatcoat, "I'll see you all in an hour at the Opera." Braith was not coming with them to the Ball, so Rex shook hands and said "Good night," and calling "Au revoir" to Rowden and the rest, ran down stairs three at a time.

The day on which I received that revelation of the power of thought and language remained memorable to me for many a day after. I had occasionally received invitations from Mrs. Rowden to take tea in the drawing-room with the lady parlor boarders, when my week's report for "bonne conduite" had been tolerably satisfactory.

Kemble, you are murdering the time, sir!" cried the exasperated musician; to which my uncle replied, "Very well, sir, and you are forever beating it!" I do not know whether Mrs. Rowden knew this anecdote, and engaged Mr. Shaw because he had elicited this solitary sally from her quondam idol, John Kemble. The choice, whatever its motive, was not a happy one.

Jackson has just come in; and he is requested to come to the 'phone, Garrison being dismissed with thanks and the expectation of seeing her butler in the morning." "How perfectly delicious!" came from the girl. "I can almost hear Mrs. Rowden telling Jackson that he will be the dearest boy in the world if he will dine with her."

The lady possesses a chilling smile which she uses on such occasions and," here he became gloomily impressive, "I have been forced to believe that neither the scholarly grace of my friend Elliott nor the buxom beauty of my friend Rowden have touched that heart of ice." Elliott and Rowden, boiling with indignation, cried out, "And you!"

Last of all he wrote to Sir Francis Vesey, as follows: "MY DEAR VESEY, On this day, in the good old city of Exeter, I have done what you so often have asked me to do. I have made my Will. It is drawn up entirely in my own handwriting, and has been duly declared correct and valid by a legal firm here, Messrs. Rowden and Owlett. Mr. Owlett and Mr.

"I'll warn poor Rowden of your intention," he laughed, as the cab rolled smoothly up the Avenue de l'Opera, across the Boulevard des Italiens, and stopped before the glittering pile of the great Opera. She sprang lightly to the curbstone and stood tapping her little feet against the pavement while Gethryn fumbled about for his fare.