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With an amused smile, his sister willingly obeyed. Sammie followed her into the house, mentally cursing Dick for his untimely interruption. Betty and old David had a great afternoon out upon the water in the small row-boat. They were delighted with Lois, and after she had left them they watched her until she disappeared within the house. "Isn't she wonderful!"

"You didn't exactly find it, then. Will you kindly explain how you came by it?" "Well, sir, we I put it together." "Have you any objection to stating, Hugh, in plain English, that you made it?" "No, sir, I suppose you might say that I made it." "Or that it was intended for a row-boat?" Here was the time to appeal, to force a decision as to what constituted a row-boat.

"You didn't exactly find it, then. Will you kindly explain how you came by it?" "Well, sir, we I put it together." "Have you any objection to stating, Hugh, in plain English, that you made it?" "No, sir, I suppose you might say that I made it." "Or that it was intended for a row-boat?" Here was the time to appeal, to force a decision as to what constituted a row-boat.

Glancing in that direction, they saw a small row-boat coming toward them. There was one person on board, pulling at the oars with long, steady strokes. "Why, it is Eben!" John exclaimed. "And there's the 'Eb and Flo' lying at anchor. It's a wonder we didn't hear some sound before." "Suppose we wait here until Eben comes ashore," Jess suggested. "It will give him a great surprise.

She rushed away, and the next moment was down on the quay. Three moments later she was speeding with swift long strokes across the harbor in her own beautifully appointed row-boat. Her dress was of dark blue serge, with white collar and cuffs. Her hat was a simple sailor one. The exercise brought the color into her cheeks, and her big somewhat pathetic gray eyes were bright.

We, one morning at daybreak, captured a row-boat with twenty-two men, armed with swivels and muskets. We had disguised the ship so much that she took us for a merchantman, and before she discovered her mistake was within pistol-shot. Three months had now expired, which had been passed much in the same manner as the last cruise, when a cutter came out to order us into the Downs.

The single bell of Brefar Church yet rung to service; but the sun had sunk beneath the horizon, and the sea-lights were flashing around the horizon before Saaron loomed close on the port hand; and as they crept towards the East Porth under the loom of the Island, a row-boat shot out from the beach there, and headed up the Sound towards Brefar. "Hush!" commanded Vashti, and peered forward.

He enjoyed taking his row-boat out into the Sound, and, if a high headwind was blowing, or the sea ran in whitecaps, so much the better. He was now able to share in all of the athletic pastimes of his companions, although, so far as I know, he never indulged in baseball, the commonest game of all.

None of Grenville's men could be found, and it was afterwards learned that they had been suddenly attacked by the Indians, who killed one man and so frightened the rest as to cause them to take to sea in a row-boat, which was never heard of again.

The long narrow row-boat was now heading for them as straight as an arrow. There could be no doubt of the rowers' intent. They meant to run down the slight sampan and hurl its occupants into the deadly current below. Driven by six powerful oarsmen, the skiff was coming on at tremendous speed, and the shore was still a dim and distant line.