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At Annecy the women have cut down the liberty pole and burnt the archives of the club and commune. Rehabilitation of Bordier and Jourdain, hung in August, 1789. Cf. "Archives des Affaires etrangeres," vol. 331. Buchez et Roux, XXVIII., 494. Ibid., XXX., 386.

The weeks I spent at Port Vila will always be a pleasant memory of a time of rest and comfort and stimulating intercourse. In February I left for Nouméa, where I hoped to meet two friends and colleagues, Dr. Fritz Sarasin and Dr. Jean Roux, who were coming to New Caledonia in order to pursue studies similar to mine.

A teaspoonful of celery salt can be used, if celery is out of season, adding it to the full rule for cream roux. Cauliflower may be used in the same way as celery, cutting it very fine, and adding a large cupful to the sauce. Use either with boiled meats. Look over and strip off the leaves, and cut them as fine as possible with a sharp knife. Use none of the stalk but the tender tips.

Evert Le Roux and Herculaas Nel, of the Swaziland Police, and two of the best scouts in the Boer army, were constantly engaged in recklessly daring enterprises, none of which, however, was quite equal to their actions on April 21st, when the vicinity of Ladysmith had been in British hands for almost two months.

These craft were attended by the British destroyers Mentor, Lightfoot and Zubian, and the French Capitaine Mehl, Francis Garnier, Roux and Bouclier. The bombardment that ensued was undoubtedly useful in keeping down the fire of the shore batteries. The attack on the Mole was primarily intended to distract the enemy's attention from the ships engaged in blocking the Bruges canal.

After "gulping" down the six volumes of Buchez and Roux, he declares: "The clearest thing I got out of them is an immense disgust for the French.... Not a liberal idea which has not been unpopular, not a just thing that has not caused scandal, not a great man who has not been mobbed or knifed.

The second ambassador, Jean Roux de Visque, was to occupy Lodovico's apartments; and the third, King Charles's doctor, the Italian Teodoro Guainiero of Pavia, would be lodged in the rooms of Madonna Beatrice, Niccolo da Correggio's mother, and of the duke's secretary, Jacopo Antiquario.

Even at the last he hesitated, and was finally made to enter the canoe more by force than by persuasion! A few days later, and our pioneers were fairly embarked on the great river, whose course to the mouth it was their object to explore. The expedition was now somewhat reduced, owing to Monsieur Le Roux having been left behind.

The immense reduction of the mortality from this disease that has followed the introduction of the treatment with the artificial antitoxine we owe to Behring, of Germany, and Roux, of France.

They were deep blue eyes that could beam with melting tenderness or sparkle with suppressed passion it is but just to add that passion in his case was usually suppressed, for he was a lover of peace, as most truly great and powerful men usually are: "Let us see now," he said, sitting down in front of Le Roux, "how our resources stand. In my canoe there will be the four Canadians and the German.