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The Catholics fast enough, gracious knows, but then they fast on a great rousin big splendid salmon at two dollars and forty cents a pound, and lots of old Madeira to make it float light on the stomach; there's some sense in mortifying the appetite arter that fashion, but plagy little in your way.

A man so gifted and good that folks would go milds and milds to hear him, he seemed to hold the secret of inspirin' men and wimmen, and rousin' 'em out of their cold icy states, and drawin' 'em right along towards the mounts he habitually stood on. He'd done sights of good, sights on it.

It wouldn't never do for any great length o' time; but it will be a blessin' to hear some th' Elder's good rousin' comfortin' sermons for a spell, arter the stuff we hev been a havin', 'n' they can't say she's any more 'n' a reader anyhow. That's quite different from preachin'."

"These yere fixings will come in handy pretty soon, I reckon," he remarked significantly, and stood quietly on the edge of the rock, holding a powerful field-glass to his eyes. "They 've brought ther night-shift up ter the top," he commented finally, "an they 're 'rousin' them others outer ther bunk-house. Hell 'll be piping hot presently. 'Bout half them fellers are a-totin' guns, too.

"Dear me, Frank, isn't it a wondher to think how the people dhrop off! There's Widow Murray, one o' my ouldest frinds, an' Pether M'Mahon, an' Barny Lorinan not to forget pleasant Rousin' Red-head all taken away! Well! Well! Sure it's the will o' God! We can't be here always."

His head's as red an' double as big, even, as his father's was, an' you know that no hat would fit ould Con, until he sent his measure to Jemmy Lamb, the hatter. Dick Nugent put it out on him, that Jemmy always made Rousin' Red-head's hat, either upon the half-bushel pot or a five-gallon keg of whiskey.

"You kin string up them wires from here to Jerichy, if you want to," she said sternly, letting her lance-like eyes rove in scornful leisure over their equipment, "but you can't bring 'em inside my dure. No, sir! I don't want any voices rousin' me up at all hours of the day an' night. If folks at 'tother end o' town wants to speak to me they knows where to find me.

Tom, here, will keep along the bottoms, working his way as best he can; while we make good the uplands! Are your flasks full?" "Sartain, they are!" cried Tom "and I've got a rousin big black bottle, too but not a drop of the old cider sperrits do you git this day, boys; not if your thirsty throats were cracking for it!"

"My poor boy," said May, putting her hand on her brother's arm, "it's not a very great beginning of life to become a telegraph-messenger." "Ah! now, May, that's not like yourself," said Phil, who unconsciously dropped perhaps we should say rose to a more decided brogue when he became tender or facetious. "Is it rousin' the pride of me you'd be afther?

I knowed it made folks patienter an' commonsenser an' weather-wiser an' cuter gen'ally; gin 'em more fac'lty than all the school larnin' in creation. I knowed it was more fillin' than vittles, more rousin' than whisky, more soothin' than lodlum. I knowed it cooled ye off when ye was het, an' het ye when ye was cold. I knowed all that, o' course any fool knows it. But will ye b'l'eve it?