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The rain, at first spasmodic, became at last persistent. There was no driving of pegs into this stony base, so we weighted down the canvas with round-heads, and fastened our guys to bushes and boulders as best we might. Huddled around the little stove, under the fly, the crew dined sumptuously en course, from canned soup down to strawberries for dessert, for Evansville is a good market.

Pox! the world is come to a fine pass indeed, if we are all fools, except a parcel of round-heads and Hanover rats. Pox! I hope the times are a coming when we shall make fools of them, and every man shall enjoy his own. That's all, sister; and every man shall enjoy his own. I hope to zee it, sister, before the Hanover rats have eat up all our corn, and left us nothing but turneps to feed upon."

I am thine own chum, man bound to thee by thy kind deeds devinctus beneficio there is Latin for it; and where is the thing thou wilt charge me with, that I wilt not, or dare not execute, were it to pick the devil's teeth with my rapier, after he had breakfasted upon round-heads?" "You will drive me mad," said Everard.

But France then, as now, was playing the balance of power game. The men of the Carignan-Sallières Regiment were admirably adapted for settlement in a country in which constant fighting was being carried on. They were to have a deep interest in subduing the Iroquois. They were some protection against the Round-Heads of Massachusetts.

But here is the gate we will disturb these honest gentlemen's recreations." As he spoke, he applied the large and ponderous knocker to the hall-door. "Rat-tat-tat-too!" said Wildrake; "there is a fine alarm to you cuckolds and round-heads." He then half-mimicked, half-sung the march so called: "Cuckolds, come dig, cuckolds, come dig; Round about cuckolds, come dance to my jig!"

'There was no marquis at the window. Stop him, I say. 'He's gone, said Eccles quietly, but with waking uneasiness. 'Run after him, Dorothy almost screamed. 'Stop him at the gate. It is young Heywood of Redware, one of the busiest of the round-heads. Eccles was already running and shouting and whistling. She heard his feet resounding from the bridge.

Now, has anything of that kind been going on with the little round-heads?" "No, I can't say that I've noticed them doing that, Bräsig.

The Round-Heads; or the Good Old Cause, a Comedy; acted at the duke's theatre, and printed in 4to. 1682. It is dedicated to Henry Fitzroy duke of Grafton. The City Heiress; or Sir Timothy Treatwell, a Comedy; acted at the duke's theatre, and printed in 4to. in 1682, dedicated to Henry Earl of Arundel, and Lord Mowbray.

My worthy friend Sir Roger, when we are talking of the malice of parties, very frequently tells us an accident that happened to him when he was a schoolboy, which was at a time when the feuds ran high between the Round-heads and Cavaliers. This worthy Knight, being then but a stripling, had occasion to inquire which was the way to St.

'Have they brought provender with them, my lord? asked the marquis. 'Alas, no, my lord, only teeth, answered the governor. 'How stands the hay? 'At low ebb, my lord. There is plenty of oats, however. 'We hear to-day nothing of the round-heads: what say you to turning them out and letting them have a last bellyful of sweet grass under the walls?