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To account for the cry that was raised when first she attacked the Richard, it must be borne in mind that the crew of the 'Alliance' was largely composed of Englishmen. It was thought that these had mutinied and taken her. When I came on deck the next morning our yards were a-drip with a clammy fog, and under it the sea was roughed by a southwest breeze.

I got to have your hoss. Take this one in exchange; it's the best I ever threw a leg over. Here's two hundred bucks " he flung his wallet on the ground and swung himself out of the saddle. The wolfish dog, which had growled softly all this time and roughed up the hair of its neck, now slunk forward on its belly.

Thus millions of indeterminate creatures are incessantly roughed out in the substance of that microcosm which is the initial cell; and it is here that Fabre sees the real secret of the law of evolution.

In his pocket as he spoke was the funeral director's bill for $200. "You'd better get to work right now, then," cautioned Blake. "You're matched with a tough boy, but if you're in any sort of shape at all you should come out on top." They went to work. As he roughed it with the young fellows Blake sent against him he thought of his mother.

"At these meetings there was not one thing said that could invite criticism, there was not one thing said that could justify or invite censure or abuse; there was not one disorderly thing done but was done by the officers of the law themselves, and they went in recklessly, without excuse, without right, they clubbed Henig, they clubbed Carr, a former member of the council, and they roughed women around and knocked them down.

I have a little money, and no ties." "Like me. By Jove! why shouldn't we go out together?" "Because we have some sense, I suppose," said Compton, coolly. "Have you ever roughed it?" "I have slept out in the New Forest often."

Michelangelo believed in the 'Laocoön, and he was at least as good a judge as most modern critics, and he roughed out the arm that was missing, his sketch lies on the floor in the corner, and devoted much time to studying the group. It is true that he is said to have preferred the torso of the 'Hercules, but he did not withhold his admiration of the other good things.

This should be done full twenty four hours before serving. The dish thus prepared will have a very handsome appearance in the mid range of a second coarse; or when served with the jelly roughed large, it makes a side or corner dish, being then of a smaller size.

"Thank you very much indeed, Signor Polani," Francis said. "The only fault is that it is too comfortable. I would as lief have roughed it as other aspirants have to do." "There was no occasion, Francisco. When there is rough work to be done, you will, I have no doubt, do it; but as you are going to be a trader, and not a sailor, there is no occasion that you should do so more than is necessary.

A kind of icy varnish of cold overlaid the gay lables of the canned goods; the remnants of red and blue tartan exposed for sale looked coarse-grained with the cold, and cold slips of ribbons clung to the glass of the cases like the tongues of children tipped to the frosted panes. Even the super-heated stove took on a purplish tinge of chilblains, roughed by the wind.