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But the woman had observed, from the young wanderer's gait, that one of her little feet was blistered and sore, and being a woman and a mother too, she would not suffer her to go until she had washed the place and applied some simple remedy, which she did so carefully and with such a gentle hand rough-grained and hard though it was, with work that the child's heart was too full to admit of her saying more than a fervent 'God bless you! nor could she look back nor trust herself to speak, until they had left the cottage some distance behind.

The light thus concentrated did not reach the dark angles of the vast atelier; but a few wandering reflections gleamed through the russet shadows on the silvered breastplate of a horseman's cuirass of the fourteenth century as it hung from the wall, or sent sharp lines of light upon the carved and polished cornice of a dresser which held specimens of rare pottery and porcelains, or touched with sparkling points the rough-grained texture of ancient gold-brocaded curtains, flung in broad folds about the room to serve the painter as models for his drapery.

And as her intense quietude of bearing suited Miss Gryce, who could not bear to be fussed, and time proved her douce and not fashious, she became quite a favorite with her rough-grained hostess, who wondered more and more where Emmanuel had picked her up, and whose bairn she really was.

It was not the first occasion on which he had played the part of elderly relative towards Rallywood during the course of their queer, rough-grained friendship a friendship of a type which exists only between man and man, and even then is sufficiently rare. 'Precisely, I'm too infernally used to it! It was not half bad as long as the newness lasted, but I can't stand it any longer!