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'Not at all, papa, answered Phyllis, running out to the hall door to pat the horse, and give it a piece of bread. 'Take care you turn out your toes, said Mr. Mohun. 'You must learn to dance like a dragon before Cousin Rotherwood's birthday next year. 'Papa, how do dragons dance? 'That is a question I must decide at my leisure, said Mr. Mohun, mounting.

'He is a Trojan, said Reginald. 'Is a Trojan better than a Spartan? asked Ada, meditatively. 'Helen thought so, said Claude. "When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war," muttered the Marquis. 'You are all talking Greek, said Jane. 'Arabic, said Claude. As far as it could be comprehended, Lord Rotherwood's answer related to Maurice and the wasps.

White, though there had been a little alarm the previous year, when Lord Rotherwood and his son came down to open a public park or garden on the top of the cliffs, where Lord Rotherwood's accident had occurred. Lord Ivinghoe, a young Guardsman, had shown himself enough disposed to flirt with the pretty little Greek to make the prudent very glad that her home was on the Italian mountains.

'Your mother would like to be so near the daily services at the Kennel, said Miss Mohun. 'Yes, we must begin with those houses. There's nothing up here but Sorrento, and I have heard enough of its deficiencies! At that moment in came a basket of game, grapes, and flowers, with Lady Rotherwood's compliments. 'Solid pudding, muttered Miss Mohun. 'In this case, I should almost prefer empty praise.

She could not help rejoicing to see how many evidences of affection to the Rector were called forth by this illness; presents of fruit poured in from all quarters, from Lord Rotherwood's choice hothouse grapes, to poor little Kezia Grey's wood-strawberries; inquiries were continual, and the stillness of the village was wonderful.

Jane met them in the hall, full of her own and Lady Rotherwood's wonderings; she hurried Lily upstairs, and skilful, quick, and ready she helped her to dress in a very short time. As they ran down Reginald overtook them, and they entered the drawing-room as the dinner-bell was ringing. William did not appear for some time, and his apologies were not such as to smooth matters for his sister.

'Well, he is; and Aunt Jane always stands up for him, said Gillian; 'but that was because he is so good to the workpeople, and Aunt Ada took him for some grand political friend of Cousin Rotherwood's. 'Aunt Jane! said Jasper. 'Why, she is the very essence and epitome of old maids. 'Yes, said Gillian. 'If it came to that, she would quite as soon marry the postman.

Mohun had much business to transact in London which he could not leave undone, and as soon as his nephew began to recover he thought of setting off to meet Mr. and Mrs. Hawkesworth, who had already been a week at Lady Rotherwood's house in Grosvenor Square, which she had lent to them for the occasion.

'Yes, said Alethea, 'I think it was on a Tuesday that Captain Mohun left Brighton, and we saw his death in the paper on Saturday. 'William only arrived the evening that he died. Papa was gone to Ireland to see about Cousin Rotherwood's property.

Vera was put first by her kind rescuers, Lord Rotherwood's hand guiding her to the rail, and, after an insecure step or so, she found herself in the arms of Paulina, sobbing for joy; and the little cluster of sisters seemed to know nothing else, except Thekla, who presently, in the confusion of the greetings, was found by Lord Rotherwood looking about vaguely, and saying, "But where's their man Friday?"