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Now that "little son" will once more shed hated Polish blood, and return covered with glory. Well, it is God's judgment, and the Order will at the same time be cleared of suspicion. "God's judgment...." In the twinkling of an eye, a feeling akin to alarm oppressed his old heart. Behold, Rotgier must engage in mortal combat in defence of the innocence of the Order of the Knights of the Cross.

Meanwhile two of the three days, in which Rotgier had promised to return, passed by; then three and four, yet no retinue made its appearance at the gates of Szczytno. Only on the fifth day, well-nigh toward dark, the blast of the horn resounded in front of the bastion at the gate of the fortress.

"We will declare," said Danveld in a feeble voice, "that the shield-bearer murdered de Fourcy." "It is their latest crime and the culprit is known!" added Rotgier. In the meanwhile, the Czech rushed as fast as he could to the prince's hunting residence, and finding the prince still there, he told him first, what had happened.

The lord of Spychow was terrible to them, and his last deed completely finished them.... My master, I also heard, had lifted up his hand against Lichtenstein; he killed Rotgier.... God helped me, too, to shatter that dog-brother's arm. Wait, I pray, let us consider.

"But those who saw me are not alive any more, because some, as they say, were killed by the old lord, while you slew Rotgier." "The footmen who followed at a distance saw you, and the old Teuton is alive, and is surely now in Malborg, and if he is not there yet he will arrive, because the master, with God's permission, will summon him."

And his face brightened, and his heart exulted, for when Rotgier to a certain extent was already a celebrated knight, he first had led an expedition to Lithuania and had taught him the best way to carry on a war with that tribe; for this reason he loved him like a son, with such deep love, that only those who must have strong affections locked up in their hearts are able to do.

The customary stir ceased within the castle, but from the direction of the chapel came a dull indistinct hammering; then nothing disturbed the silence but the calls of the watchmen. It was already about midnight when the old knight awoke as from sleep, and called the servant. "Where is Brother Rotgier?" he asked.

"And then whoever wishes may judge us; the Pope, or the Roman Emperor!" "Yes!" Then followed a moment of silence, after which Brother Rotgier questioned: "What shall we do then with Jurand's daughter?" "Let us consult." "Give her to me." And Zygfried looked at him and replied: "No I Listen, young brother! When the Order is in question, do not trust a man, woman nor even your own self.

Upon that Danveld turned to those assembled and said quietly but pointedly: "I take you all present as witnesses and especially you, Zygfried of Insburk, and you pious brothers, Rotgier and Godfried, that, according to my word and given promise, I restore that girl, who was said by the robbers whom we defeated, to be the daughter of Jurand of Spychow.

He received him proudly, nevertheless, and although he recognized him instantly as one of the brethren who were in the Forest Court, he pretended not to recollect him and inquired who he was, whence he came, and what caused his arrival in Warsaw. "I am Brother Rotgier," replied the Teuton, "and a short time ago I had the honor to bow before your Highness."