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And while you've bin hangin' round yer fer a flicker of Cressy's gownd as she prances out o' school, he's bin lyin' low and laffin' at ye, and while he's turned Roop over to keep you here, pretendin' to give ye lessons, he's bin gallivantin' round with her and huggin' and kissin' her in barns and in the brush and now YOU want to quar'll with me."

But I was making quite enough with my pen to support myself, and, be it never so humble, there is something pleasant in a bachelor existence, or so I had thought until very recently. I had thus no great stake in Ukridge's chicken farm. I had contributed a modest five pounds to the preliminary expenses, and another five after the roop incident. But further I could not go with safety.

"Yes, Roop, living through war is living deep. It's crowded, glorious living. If I'd never had a shell rush at me I'd never have known the swift thrill of approaching death which is a wonderful sensation not to be missed. If I'd never known the shock of seeing sudden death at my side, I'd have missed a terribly wonderful thing.

Hyde said that right there was where he was mistaken everybody in town sustained Morgan; Hal Brayton, a very smart lawyer, had taken his case; the courts being in vacation, it was to be tried before a referee, and ex-Governor Roop had already been appointed to that office and would open his court in a large public hall near the hotel at two that afternoon. The General was amazed.

2 do village Roop tar-hee 1 s & grand Chief Poss-cop-sa-he Black Cat 2d Chief Car-gar-no-mok-she raven man Chief Mah har-ha village is Chief Ta-tuck-co pin re has, white Buffalow Skin unfolded Little Menetarre village is Chief Omp-Se-ha-ra Black mockerson. 2d Chief Oh-hark little Fox.

At two in the afternoon referee Roop's Court opened and Roop appeared throned among his sheriffs, the witnesses, and spectators, and wearing upon his face a solemnity so awe-inspiring that some of his fellow-conspirators had misgivings that maybe he had not comprehended, after all, that this was merely a joke.

The color deepened in Uncle Ben's face to the back of his ears. "Wot would you giv' to know, Roop? S'pose I reckoned some day to make a strike and sorter drop inter saciety easy eh? S'pose I wanted to be ready to keep up my end with the other fellers, when the time kem? To be able to sling po'try and read novels and sich eh?"

I would toil like a navvy all day among the fowls, separating them when they fought, gathering in the eggs when they laid, chasing them across country when they got away, and even, if necessity arose, painting their throats with turpentine when they were stricken with roop. Then, after dinner, when the lamps were lit, and Mrs.

The loons and the ducks have pulled out for the Gulf of Mexico, and the squirrels are glad that they have such a goodly store of nuts laid up for the next four months. The beavers have retired to their lodges that is, if Charley Roop and his fellows have left any of them alive. The partridges well, the partridges will just have to get along the best way they can.

"The 'ole thing 'ere," said the Hired Retainer, "is these 'ere fowls have been and got the roop." I had never heard of the disease before, but it sounded bad. "Is that what makes them yawn like that?" said Mrs. Ukridge. "Yes, ma'am." "Poor things!" "Yes, ma'am." "And have they all got it?" "Yes, ma'am." "What ought we to do?" asked Ukridge.