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I was in deadly fear I would run across him on the street, and if Malcolm had ever smelled the inside of the house where I roomed, I fear his nose never would have come down. If Lucy had ever seen the dirt on the stairs she would have pronounced the house disreputable, and dragged me home. Secrecy was my only chance for success, at least for a while.

He told me who he was and said he thought he could find a job for me. And he did. He was partner with a man named Hogan in an assay office and knew a good many mine managers and superintendents. The next day I went to work running an air-drill at four dollars a day. That's how I met Ed. We got to be pretty good friends after that. Later I went over and roomed with him.

He claimed to be able to go out of the body at will and see what any friend was up to at any time, in any out-of-the-way place in the world.... When I jested that such a faculty might sometimes prove embarrassing to his friends, he laughed and slapped me on the back. Dineen was a queer little chap. He roomed de luxe at the Bellman House.

"Together!" was the united response. "Wait a moment," said Anne. "I wish to ask you, Mabel, if you would object to rooming with Grace. I have roomed with her so long that I feel as though I" with a mischievous glance at Grace's amazed face, Anne finished in a deliberate tone "were very selfish. So I thought perhaps you would appreciate an opportunity to have her to yourself, too."

"Do you remember, Ralph, the night that Professor Torts had his little beer-and-skittles party in his lair, and Burns, who roomed across the passage and who was the worst bummer in Encina, went down to Fessler, and complained that he couldn't study because of the noise in that number?

He was deep in these end-of-semester figures when Pellams burst in at the window, like a storm-driven creature. People never stand on ceremony at the Knockery. It is the corner room on the ground floor. The place has always been the Knockery ever since Mason roomed there, just as the big room over the old dining-hall will be the "Bull-pen" forever.

I never knew, for instance, that one meal a day, eaten at about four o'clock in the afternoon, takes the place of three, very comfortably, if aided and abetted in the morning by crackers spread with peanut butter, and a glass of milk, a whole bottle of which one could buy for a few cents at the corner grocery store. The girl who roomed next door to me gave me lots of such tips.

Even to himself the Candy Man could not quite explain his interest in this sad and lonely man, except that, as he had told Miss Bentley in their first and only conversation, he had a habit of getting interested in people. For example, in the house where he roomed there was a young couple who just now engaged his sympathies.

"That's a good idea." Then, unlocking the door, he passed along the entry till he came to the room occupied by Hector. As he or one of the two boys who roomed with him might be in the room, he looked first through the keyhole. "The coast is clear!" he said to himself, in a tone of satisfaction. Still, he opened the door cautiously, and stepped with catlike tread into the room.

Thomson nodded. "Very likely," he admitted. "It was just a chance, any way." "By-the-bye," Granet inquired curiously, looking up from the dog, "how did you know that I roomed here?" "I happened to see you come in, or was it go out, the other day I can't remember which," Major Thomson replied. The telephone upon the table tinkled out a summons.