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From the crowd in front, waiting for mass, young Wilk and Cztan of Rogow came forward immediately; but Zbyszko jumped from his horse, and before they could reach her, seized Jagienka and lifted her down from her horse; then he took her by the hand, and looking at them threateningly, conducted her to the church. In the vestibule of the church, they were again disappointed.

Let her take somebody else...." Here, the figures of Wills of Brzozowa, and young Cztan of Rogow passed through his mind, and suddenly a disagreeable feeling crept over him, because the girl might fall into the hands of one of them, and he said to himself: "I wish I could find some better man, for those fellows are beer-gulpers and gourmands, and the girl is upright."

I know that there are good knights among the Germans; but I think that it will take a very good one to defeat Zbyszko. See how he routed Cztan of Rogow and Wilk of Brzozowa, although they are said to be dreadful boys and as strong as bears. He will bring his crests, but he will not bring Jurandowna." "But when will he return?" "Bah I if you are not willing to wait, then you will not be wronged.

And the Bohemian flushed, and then turned somewhat pale and replied: "For her, lord!" "And how do you know that she has not got married to Cztan of Rogow, or to Wilk of Brzozowa?" "The lady has not got married at all," firmly answered the warrior. "The abbot may have ordered her." "The abbot obeys the lady, not she him." "What do you wish then? Tell the truth to her as well as to all."

At that moment Zych who had been dozing, suddenly awakened and began to sing: "Thou Kuba, of toil I Maciek of pleasure, Go then in the morning with the yoke in the field, While I amuse myself with Kasia." Then he said to Zbyszko: "You know? There are two of them, Wilk of Brzozowa and Cztan of Rogow; and you?"

But she began to smile through her tears, and to look at the abbot as if she wished to ask him how he knew it. Meanwhile, Zbyszko having returned to Krzesnia, went directly to the priest, because he really wished to have a mass read for Macko's health; after having settled about that, he went to the inn, where he expected to find young Wilk of Brzozowa, and Cztan of Rogow.

The young and handsome Zbyszko, who had already distinguished himself in the war, had participated in tournaments and had been in the presence of kings, was considered by the girl, when she compared him with Cztan of Rogow or Wilk of Brzozowa, a true courtly knight and almost a prince; as for him, he was astonished at the great beauty of the girl.

One of them is young Wilk, the son of old Wilk of Bizozowa; the other is Cztan of Rogow. If they meet you here, they will gnash their teeth, as they do at each other." "Owa!" said Zbyszko. Then he turned to Jagienka and asked: "Which do you prefer?" "Neither of them." "Wilk is a great boy," said Zych. "Let him go in another direction!" "And Cztan?"

Meanwhile the abbot became quieted and said: "I saw young Wilk drinking with Cztan of Rogow in an inn in Krzesnia. They did not recognize us at once, because it was dark; they were talking about Jagienka." Here he turned to Zbyszko: "And about you, too." "What do they want from me?" "They do not want anything from you; but they do not like it that there is a third young man near Zgorzelice.

Fortunately the knockers resounded to notify the people that mass would begin. When he heard them he said: "What shall we do? Go to church now and after that, we will do whatever pleases God." Cztan of Rogow was pleased with this answer. "Perhaps the Lord Jesus will send us an inspiration," said he. "And will bless us," added Wilk. "According to justice."