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"Only there isn't any other side no reflection. It just doesn't stop, does it?" "Nope," commented Roger, "it just goes on and on and on. And no one knows where it stops. And no one can even guess." "Ah you've got a touch of space fever," laughed Astro. "You'd better take it easy, pal." Tom suppressed a smile. Now, for the first time, he felt that there was a chance to achieve unity among them.

The usual sounds of returning day came up from the forest. The birds began to sing their cheerful notes, and ere long the sunbeams lighted up the topmost branches of the lofty trees above our abode. Just then the black and Roger Trew returned. "Hurrah, hurrah!" sung out the black, "dey all sail away, and no come here!"

It was to be by public subscription and to be carried out under Captain Roger Smith's direction in six months. It was known to require "great ordnance." Two years later, however, it had not been effected although it was still considered a good point from which "to secure the places above." Evidently the massacre produced but a temporary delay at Warrascoyack.

"We only want to go to Butte," answered Roger. "Oh, all right then. Take the forward car, next to the baggage-car. But I don't think you'll find any seats. We are swamped because of the land sale." The boys ran forward, after making sure that their baggage was tumbled into a baggage-car. As the conductor had said, the cars were overcrowded, and they had to stand up in the aisle.

She had fought with every resource at her command. She had wept and pleaded, she had stormed and raged, she had feigned submission and had played for time and her torment had not touched in the slightest degree the merciless and gloating brain of the being who called himself Roger.

But when he remembered that he must certainly tell his friend Roger of his engagement, and remembered also how little he knew of the lady to whom he was engaged, he became embarrassed. What were her means he did not know. He did know that she was some years older than himself, and that she had spoken hardly a word to him of her own family.

The court was sat before Sir Roger came; but notwithstanding all the justices had taken their places upon the bench, they made room for the old Knight at the head of them; who for his reputation in the country took occasion to whisper in the judge's ear, that he was glad his lordship had met with so much good weather in his circuit.

Which I did, and there supped and talked with them, but not of my business till by and by after supper comes in, unlooked for, my cozen Roger, with whom by and by I discoursed largely, and in short he gives me good counsel, but tells me plainly that it is my best way to study a composition with my uncle Thomas, for that law will not help us, and that it is but a folly to flatter ourselves, with which, though much to my trouble, yet I was well satisfied, because it told me what I am to trust to, and so to bed.

"Yes," replied Roger, "and he means mischief, I am sure. I should be very sorry for any one of us who might be unfortunate enough to get into his power." "He seems to hate de Soto also pretty thoroughly," said Harry. "Did you see the look he gave him as he went over the side?"

We had some difficulty in persuading the girls to return to their bower after this, while my uncle and Roger Trew insisted on remaining on watch for the remainder of the night. We added fresh fuel to our fire, and loaded and frequently fired our muskets, and kept, as may be supposed, a very strict watch.